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Do You Love Tea/coffee??

I am a HUGE fan of coffee, flavored coffees being my favorite. I can drink coffee anytime, day or night, even in the evening :) .
Yep. Coffee.
Here in Greece, there is a type of coffee which is called Frappe. It is like Freddo...but it can be more sweet...
I love coffee!

I mean, tea is fine and everything, I do enjoy a cup of Earl Grey or Rooibos every now and then, but coffee is something completely different. I know I drink too much and it's unhealthy, but I just enjoy it too much to quit right now. It's my best moment in the day when I relax with a good cup of coffee with a book in hand.
I used to love coffee a lot, but then I started getting pounding palpitations because of them, so I stopped having them. Sometimes I miss coffee, but then it's okay as long as I have my daily tea fix.
I used to order a non-fat chai tea from Starbucks or a non-fat green tea, but now that I'm trying to lose weight, I'm drinking green tea from Twinings. I don't really love the taste of it, but the benefits are great so I still take it!