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What is the worst thing about being a girl?

I love being a girl... well, except for the monthly visits, which I also benefit from by making it an excuse to eat tons of chocolate.

We have a kind of transportation here in my country where only men can ride this outside the hooded area. All women passengers sit inside. It would look very weird if a woman did so. Of course, it didn't stop some Korean women in skirts riding in that public transportation outside the hooded area.

Oh, and there's also the toilet thing!
I love being a girl as well. I think the worst thing is always have to be so aware of ourselves. Having to uphold a certain standard of beauty according to the media.
Oh yes, the monthly period that is no fun. And I myself have no desire to be pregnant. My husband and I are talking about having a baby soon, but I really would like someone to just hand me the kid. He doesn't think it's a big deal but HE doesn't have to be preggers.
Like most of you I love being a girl however there are a few downsides that we face. One of the biggest being how harshly women are treated on their looks. Society and the media also teach us that our self worth is related to how attractive we are. :eek: Even actresses and models are airbrushed in magazines. :mad: It's insane if a female politician isn't polished from head to toe she is criticized and made fun of while no one says a word about all the old, balding and fat male politicians. There's nothing wrong with being pretty or beautiful but society shouldn't judge us as much on our looks as they should on our talent or personality. ;)
Guys, it's definitely tough to be a girl (or WOMAN), but it's also something to be celebrated. I don't want to be corny, but I feel like women need to also take time to reflect on their positive qualities--we can do anything anyone else can do! We're alive! We're smart and beautiful! We have the capacity to overcome gendered oppression and are starting to do that! Yay!

The media scrutiny is definitely a pain, but as more women write for newspapers and mainstream magazines, make movie scripts, and produce documentaries (Miss Representation!!!) gender representations are beginning to change. Although, we're far from gender equity. It's amazing that media missteps are now being more frequently discussed though! Do you guys feel like the glass ceiling is cracking?

I will say that I think the biggest difficulty of being a woman is that there's practically a tax levied on us for having vaginas. I mean really. Waxing. Tampons/pads. Birth control. Even things like make-up and frequently changing fashion - men's clothes can be classic, but that's harder to pull off as women. And we're still being paid less, while to be a woman is more expensive. Do you guys agree?
I enjoy being a girl. We are way more fun than men! I dislike having to sit down to pee though.
Heavy boobs. Menstrual cramps. Nausea from said menstrual cramps. Backache from heavy boobs. Finding odd little hairs sprouting from my chin, over the last few years, and having to tweeze them out. I could go on, but it's quite depressing!
I really do love being a girl but of course there are things only girls/women have to endure that I wish we didnt have to. Hate is to strong a word for it though.

Bra's and heavy period days would be my top dislikes. My bra comes off the minute I walk in the house. Swish...........right out the arm of my shirt :p
