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What is the worst thing about being a girl?

I guess hormones. I have my reeled in and fortunately don't deal with major mood swings usually, but I know growing up and when I'm adjusting to new birth controls and whatnot, they can be brutal. Things that wouldn't otherwise bother you, suddenly do, or the urge to cry or be mad, etc, for no apparent reason, is ridiculous.
To me the worst thing about being a woman is being downplayed by certain moments. I myself enjoy playing games, and whenever I try to involve myself in something I get downright picked apart. Which doesn't make sense because I can do really well and men will still jump over me like it was a fluke or something. Ugh, some men are difficult. The second thing would be cramps, really hate dealing with cramps especially when at school or something lol.
There are many things I hate about being a girl. The biggest issue is using a bathroom when it is inconvenient. When we go camping there aren't any toilets, and it is very hard to sit and squat. I see that is other girl's problems as well. Or when we are out at a fair or something and I'm forced to use a port a potty. It would be much easier if I could simply stand up. So many germs, yuck.
The thing I hate the most about being a woman is..... The severe difference in pay between me & male coworkers!!!! It used to be really bad when I worked at Walmart, I would be making barely more than minimum wage after being there for 7 months while a male coworker who just started made nearly $1 more! Thankfully, I don't work there anymore.
You know when I really hate being a girl. When you really have to pee and there isn't a toilet in site. A guy can just slip behind a tree and relieve himself, easy in, easy out. Us girls, we need a seat and toilet paper and the whole nine yards!
I love being female. As a teen, I really disliked getting little red riding hood visiting me...but as I matured, I got to see it as the gift it is. Now, I am very happy for who I am. It is lots of fun being a girl. I just wish it was easier to go to the toilet...when in the forest or something. Small price to pay though...!
Mostly, I love being a girl. I like my body, it's features, and shape (couldn't imagine dealing with balls all day every day ;) ). I guess what I find hardest is pressure from media/ social aspects telling us what is pretty and what we "should" look like. I am fairly confident, but it is hard to just ignore those things.
Being so emotional by nature. Since femsles are naturally more emotional than males due to hormones and brain structure, it can difficult to make logical, rational decision quickly. Some times I cry out of anger, which I need to do before I can think clearly sometimes. .....Oh and I am jealous that guys can walk around without shirts on in the summer! lol
Being so emotional by nature. Since femsles are naturally more emotional than males due to hormones and brain structure, it can difficult to make logical, rational decision quickly. Some times I cry out of anger, which I need to do before I can think clearly sometimes. .....Oh and I am jealous that guys can walk around without shirts on in the summer! lol

You are definitely not alone here. I cry when I am happy, mad, sad, stressed, etc, etc the list goes on. :rolleyes:. Most people understand, but some people get frustrated with it. I don't turn on the tears on purpose, they just COME, and it is a bit annoying sometimes!
I love being a woman. It is empowering and great. I don't like my period any more than the next woman, it is nasty, but without it we couldn't have babies. I can't think of to many down sides to it, but if i think on it hard enough i would have to say the worst part is when guys thinking you are upset because of "your rag". As women we are naturally more sensitive to everything around us. Sometimes we may be irrartioanlly6 upset, and yep i am sure a lot of women out there are like me. But why does that have to mean that we are on our periods. Guess maybe to many woman use that commonly as their excuse. I don't know but it is ridiculous. lol I cry all of the time, but it is when I don't cry i might be on my period.
Besides the biological issues of being female (I get bad cramps most months and I have a phobia about pregnancy and childbirth), I hate that I can't enjoy sports without some guy thinking that I "only like sports to impress my husband." I've enjoyed sports since WAY before I met my husband, and sports had nothing to do with how we met and got together (it actually had to do with pets, lol). The one sport I don't care for is football, and he loves football. We agree to disagree on that one.
I think the worst thing about being a girl is the dangers that surround us(Things might be a lil different in some countries)
We cannot hang around with guys who seem like our friends without worry.I've known many incidents when guys who seemed like good friends took advantage of girls and then a few even killed her.
Many men still see women just as materials of their pleasure.It is hard to be free in a world like this.
It hurts more when a girl is said to be wrong even when she is the victim.The much deserved sympathy is disappearing nowadays.
Men use women to satisfy their few minutes of pleasure and let women suffer the consequences.
Women deserve to enjoy their life without the men spoiling it.Going to clubs and discos are not sins.Society blaming the girls for their own doom is so unfair.
The much talked about "equality of women" is useless as long as the opposite sex doesn't treat us like beings with feelings.
My protective boyfriend always puts restrictions on me.Eg:Wearing clothes that cover me up completely,not going out alone in the dark,etc
His logic is that,"We know the world is bad.Just the two of us can't change it.Why give it a chance to wreck our life?Let us do our part in preventing it."
I agree with him,but it still hurts me.I cannot fulfill my wish of trekking alone unlike a man.Sigh
I'm glad I have at least one good man in my life:)
You are definitely not alone here. I cry when I am happy, mad, sad, stressed, etc, etc the list goes on. :rolleyes:. Most people understand, but some people get frustrated with it. I don't turn on the tears on purpose, they just COME, and it is a bit annoying sometimes!
I am the same way. I work with all men, as in I am literally the only female that works in the kitchen. When the men anger me to the point to where I want to scream at them, I run into the bathroom and cry instead. I figure it is better to cry it out than yell and say something that I should not. After crying though my mind is much clearer.
I love being a woman; if I wasn't a woman I never would have met my fiancee and I LOVE my fiancee, lol
I do hate my period however because I have major cramps and I always seem to puke up my guts during that time.
Not much, really, just the monthly period, especially when it's heavy flow waterfall time! Other than that, being a girl is awesome.