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The Truth Game!


have you ever licked a crisp packet when you finished the contents
hmm... i wanted to have different powers but the one thing i really like is to be invisible so that i can easily escape if i had some problems or anything to go other places alone.
how i wish we can really have powers...

if you were given a chance to be someone else, who would you be? and why?
Superman! Superwoman actually

Why? Well..I think it's obvious - I could fly and not have wings and the same time
, I could have special vision abilities, I'd be strong, I'd kick the bad guys, i'd be invincible, and actually, I'd arrange the entire world as I please

Or does it have to be a real person? Well, if that's the case, I really don't know who I'd like to be...oh wait..maybe that woman..princess Rania? She's pretty in a sophisticated way, real elegant, very clever, eloquent (at least according to what I've seen in Oprah
) and yes, she's got money
.. yeah, yeah, say what you want, but that's important..I can't be charitable if I don't have money

Have you ever wanted to be someone poor?
No, but that doesn't mean that I haven't thought about it...

Do you think a person could be in love with two people at the same time?
Uhmm..maybe? Don't really know! Not in the same way, with the same strength, don't think that's possible. I mean, there has to be one of them that you like more? Tough question, I must say...didn't have that experience yet.
Someone else, same question!
I dont think you could truly LOVE more than one person at the same time. Loving one is hard enough.

If you could travel in time, where would you go... Past, Future???
The past! I will see enough of the future as I grow old.

If you witnessed a crime and felt your life was in danger because of it, would you go to the police and risk it, or stay quiet and live?
I'd go to the police and risk it because I wouldn't be able to live with myself if i didn't

Would you go back to school and get a better job where you could be rich if you stuck with it or would you just stay with your current career?

It happens to all of us, it's only human to make mistakes, don't worry about it a lot.

Have you ever done any charity work?
Yes, when I was in 4-H I organized a toy drive along with school supplies for children that were in the states custody that had no parents, along with volunteering time at a nursing home spending time with all the elderly that did not have anyone to come and visit them along with bringing flowers to the ones that were bed ridden.
Then in my church's program we served food to the homeless all summer, trying to get them jobs so they could collect their lives.

Do you believe everyone deserves second chances? even a murderer?
Ooooooh that's a tough one Immy!! I believe in second chances but not for those who cause harm or worse.

When was the last time you watched a "kiddie movie" ? (what was it?)