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The most embarassing moment of your life?

Once i have had my T-shirt on inside-out.
My coworker pointed it out to me and i was embarrassed to death!
Wow, okay, i think I have two most embarrassing moments which are quite similar. First was on a summer job I got at a local diner, it was my first day right? So i hardly knew anybody.. I was on my way to the locker room, there tons of people around (my co-workers and the customers dining), the floor was newly mopped and can you guess what happened next?! lol I was literally lying on the floor! Second was with my husband (then boyfriend, and were not even together for a month!!!!) We were in internet cafe and they had rolling seats in there, I sat down in one of 'em and I guess the seat rolled without me noticing it, so there.. I ended up slamming my butt on the floor again! :p
When my boyfriend announced to my friends that apparently in my sleep I erm, pass wind. HOW DARE HE!?! I was so embarrassed!
When I was 15 I was walking in town (cause that's what we did back then, we walked up and down the street...it's a really small town with nothing to do lol) and I walked under a tree and a bird pooped on my head. This was right in front of McDonald's so I thought I'd run in the bathroom real quick without anyone seeing me and clean myself up....well of course, my exboyfriend (that I still had a thing for and wanted back very badly) was with his new girlfriend and he saw me and yelled at me and I should have just kept walking to the bathroom, but I was kind of freaking out and didn't know what to do so i kind of froze lol....so i ended up having to explain birdpoop on my head to my ex and his girlfriend....that was not fun lol
I too had many embarrassing experiences. But one that I remember the most was when I walked through the local market on mini-skirts and a strong wind blew it up to show off my underwear! Gosh, it was so embarrassing because there were a lot of tricycle drivers there who witnessed what happened. Ugh! :oops:
When I was like in 7th grade, I put one of my baby brother's baby toys with the suction cup on my forehead and ended up with a huge hickey. I was so embarrassed that I told everyone at school I ran into a wall. Not sure if my made up story was better or not, but it made me feel better at the time.
When i was young and could wear a bikini :D I was at the beach talking to a friend when her daughter pulled the tie on the side of my Bikini bottom :| the bottom fell very fast to my ankle it took me a few seconds to realise what had happened people were cheering and clapping (mostly guys) and my face was very :$