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The most embarassing moment of your life?


New Member
May 25, 2011
Hi girls, What's the most embarassing moment of your life?
MIne was on my way to work, it was my first week, I fell down. Completely wiped out on the sidewalk. Tons of people around. Mortifying! :oops:
I have so many that it is hard to choose. My husband can be so embarrassing, he always manages to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. I think he does it on purpose sometimes.
It was my leaving 'do' at work and there were lots of clients there as well as lots of colleagues and people from head office. I went to sit down on my chair and somehow it tipped over backwards and I went with it giving everyone a view of 'next weeks washing' - I was so embarrassed.
hahaha... love the phrase 'next weeks washing'

i've similarly fallen over and flashed my frillies.. this was at some party or another and i was in very high heels... slightly over ambitious with the fancy dance move... over i went... ooops... worst of it was, everyone thought i was drunk, but I hadn't touched a drop..
Stavy, that sort of thing has happened to me, I am a bit clumsy and not really comfortable in high heels. People always say I should 'take more water with it' but I am teetotal. I don't need alcohol to make me fall over, I can do it while stone cold sober!
There have been a few times when I have spilled something on my front and had to put up with a big mark on my top. I find that very embarrassing, but now I am prepared, I carry stain remover wipes in my handbag.
Justontime, it was doubly embarrassing for me as I am known as a 'great' dancer and even trained as a belly dancer in my youth as well as competing for my school in gymnastics... made it all the worse when I was showing off my skillz and fell flat on my face.. heheh...
2nd grade: faking my way through reading out loud a class assignment. I misinterpreted the assignment and didn't realize it until I heard what everyone else was reading so when it was my turned, I made up something completely new and tried to act like I was reading it. They laughed. My teacher said it was because of the way I was moving my head. I guess she probably knew I made it up, but she never asked me about it.
Orrymain, you have brought back a terrible memory from my school days. Our homework was to write an essay about being lost in the desert. I was about 8 and my spelling wasn't great, my whole essay was about being lost in a dessert. The teacher humiliated me by reading the whole essay out to the class and everyone fell about laughing.
Justontime, that was a really cruel thing for the teacher to do, I think it is wrong for teachers to humiliate children like that.
that does seem a little harsh justontime... mind you my teachers used to force me to writr with my right hand, even though i was obviously totally left handed.. it resulted in my letters like e and s and number 3 and 5 etc coming out backwards...
My teacher commented on it, like I said, but only to explain why the kids were laughing. I loved that teacher. She made a huge impression on me. I still got an 'A' and as I mentioned, she never said anything to me. That's how teachers should be.
Stav, things were a little more harsh in those days. I was forced to write with my right hand too, I am naturally left handed but I can now write with both. 2 out of 3 of my children are left handed and I was fiercely protective of their right to write their way. My daughter looks very awkward but writes beautifully, my son looks more comfortable when writing, but his writing leaves much to be desired.
I remember the battle about having to write with my right hand too, it didn't work, I am left handed and I can't change that. Thank goodness they are more enlightened these days.