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Girl Found After 18 years....kidnapped by a sex offender

At 11 years old, one is still very young to be able to make any decision on their own, I think some of you are being too hard on her. If this mans wife was unable to tell on him to the police all this time, and lived with this girl knowing that her husband was sleeping with her and even getting kids with her, don't you all thing this man had some kid of hold on both women.

I think he put so much fear in his wife and this girl by threatening them with my be death of family members such that they had to make a choice of living with him. Am happy for her that finally she was able to walk free and put the man in jail. Justice may delay but it still comes to those who wait.
An 11 year old girl was kidnapped in Lake Tahoe, CA in 1991 and was hidden in a backyard in tents and shacks until this week when she appeared at a police station in Northern California claiming to be the missing girl of over 18 years.

While living with the kidnapper she bore two children with him, they also accompanied her to the police station...

The kidnapper is now sentenced to 50 years in Jail...his wife is getting charged also for kidnapping...I will keep you posted...

Let me know what you think about this....

My heart goes out to this pour little girl, well now grown woman, and her family. It is sickening that a man and his wife can even THINK about doing something like this, but then to actually go through with kidnapping an 11 year old girl and hold her captive like that and to also impregnate the girl ....
Things like this also make me even more angry about our legal system because I do not feel we punish criminals to the extent they should be. (In terms of they get sentenced to so many years, but can end up being paroled shortly after they are incarcerated.)
The psychological damage this woman is going to have to try to over come for her children, not to mention the confusion and psychological damage the children she gave birth to are going to experience.
These stories are always so sad. Please do keep us updated as you learn more information. I am praying that justice is served for the sake of this woman and her family.
Whoa, why is he only being charged that long? Life sentence is what he should be getting :mad:.

Good thing that the young woman is free, however, all those years, why did she not try to escape? Any details about how she was kept captive? Did they chain her or something besides keeping her in the backyard that she can't just run for the main door and head somewhere safer? And two children, jeez.