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Who is the "black sheep" in your family?

Oh it's definitely me - everyone else is tidy, sensible and good with money. I'm messy, disorganised and broke! But I have fun and a great relationship with my parents so i'm not too bothered. I'm not very close to my brother but we both know we'd be there for each in other times of need, despite our differences.
My second oldest brother is the black sheep in my family. He's off doing his own thing in his own little world. What pisses all of us off is he thinks everyone owes him everything. He's such a dick...
Oh, that's me. I know this for a fact since I can't really go out with my family anywhere. I mean I'm the only one in my family who doesn't speak Spanish. I have taken so many Spanish classes and keep failing it because I just can't grasp it. I know Japanese, and to me Japanese is a lot easier than Spanish but still that doesn't help whenever everyone in my house is talking in a language I don't understand. I feel so alienated. Not only that but my sister, and brother like to go out for drinking and I am absolutely against drinking, I don't care if they do it, (I mean it does bug me but I would not tell someone not to do something if they enjoy it (mind my own business)) but every time they ask me to - over and over I say no. Thus I get stamped party killer. I mean, my brother and sister don't invite me to go anywhere with them anymore. xD oh well~
Oh my god. Could you be my unknown twin-sister? No..but for reals..I can totally relate to your situation. My brother is the same age as yours and my mother..well...with the years she's the lost the energy to confront and say no to my big brother's demands and his disrespectful behavior and me and my dad have sort of become the audience to this freakshow. But my brother isn't like any other brother, though. In his teenage-years he was diagnosed with ADHD and in his case it was a pretty intense diagnose. We can't really do anything about him because we have to take his ADHD in consideration and not blame him for what he's saying or doing when he behaves like a complete a-hole. Which sucks...........
I am and always have been the black sheep in my family because I seem to always take the hardest route to get where I want to be, no matter what others try to tell me. I was never really a trouble-maker, a bit mouthy as a teen, but not too horrible, but I just didn't take the easiest or most obvious routes in life, and definately not the routes my parents would have hoped for. I may be the black sheep, but my family is proud of me and the things I have done so far in my life.
Not an easy one to answer but I think it's somewhere between a cross of myself and my brother who is 6 years older than myself. I am considered an airhead because I won't embrace my "roots" and my brother just keeps getting caught up with the law. The funny part is that the two of us are like the brightest ones in the shed. LOL
I'm the black ship. I barely talk to my family. We aren't too fond of each other, we fight a lot. I mean a lot. They're all Catholics and they can't accept the fact that I don't want to follow any religion. They don't accept me in general. We have nothing in common. I like to think I'm unique but according to them I'm just weird.
I'm really not sure. It could be me, simply because the reason I don't know is that I don't keep in touch with any of them. I moved to two opposite coasts and even into another country....almost the farthest I could be away from most of them. I don't talk to anybody except my mom and sister. Everyone else is completely disconnected from me.
It could be me too. I have never really part of the family even when I was a kid. As an adult is worse. My personality is very different. I am open and flexible about people who have different points of view. Most of my family is very rigid and inflexible.

I didn't use to be the black sheep. My youngest sister was, but since I have undergone a downturn. Now, I'm the black sheep because I have no intention of returning to my previous lifestyle. It was soul sucking.
If by "black sheep" you mean the one who is different from the rest of the family, it would be me. My family, including aunts, uncles, most cousins, and so on, are very conservative. I'm more than a bit on the liberal side. Also, the vast majority of my cousins had kids young, and I'm the oldest and still have no kids. I'm also one of the few who has a college degree.
I used to be the blacksheep in my family. My mom didn't know how to handle my temper tantrums and my arguing with her all the time. I know I'm a pain for everyone in my family but that was just the way I was.
Probably me, if you're talking about extended family. I know a lot of people in our family are really religious and I'm sure they would like the fact that I smoke pot, have worked in the adult entertainment industry, have done every psychedelic drug imaginable and am living with a man out of wedlock. But it doesn't really matter because I don't see those family members often and I doubt they'd even know anything about what's going on in my life. There is no "black sheep" within my close family because none of us judge each other or have any particular moral standard to hold to (my parents are not religious).