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Whats Your Phobia?

i hate needles as well! when i went to get my hepatitas B needle i tried to bite the nurse
I have escalator phobia. I can't get on an escalator it freaks me out and makes me feel dizzy. :confused: But spiders don't bother me at all. But i hate lizards.
I think I do not have any phobia but there are things/situations that makes me feel scared a lot too.
And those are:
- snakes in the wild or snakes not in cages.
- deep water since I do not know how to swim and almost got drowned twice.
I have phobias; spiders and needles. I am so terrified of spiders if I see one I leave the room until my boyfriend an kill it.
My fear of needles is even worse.... If i have to get bloodwork I start blacking while I sit in the waiting room! To make this phobia even worse, my boyfriend, whom I live with, is a Type 1 diabetic and has to do insulin injections four times a day, I have to leave the room when he does it otherwise I get lightedheaded and sick to my stomach. He finds it hysterical because we have been living together for almost three years, and I still react the same way everytime he pulls out his insulin.
Spiders definitely, unfortunately I seem to have passed this on to my kids . However brave I try to make out I am. I am also pretty claustrophobic , I can't stand lifts ( I have been stuck in one before) and travelling on crowded public transport is pretty daunting.
I was so sure I replied in a thread like this, but I can't see it, so I must be dreaming

Ok, my biggest fear is drowning, as I have had 2 near-drowning experiences.

Also wasps, I hate them!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have the same fear as yours, and for the same reason. Although I don't fear wasps that much. I hate germs as well, and also the fact of losing a loved one. I think my heart will die if that happens again. :(
For me it is clowns and wasps! I have always found clowns scary and I freak out around wasps, I can't bear them. I know it;s silly being frightened of something so small, but I have to get away when I see one!
I am really afraid of snakes!! I hate them with a passion!! If someone brings one around me I almost get panic attacks,
Falling, drowning, driving (for the same reasons, someone else mentioned... there are so many bad drivers out there that the whole idea of driving freaks me out) and children. I have come to the conclusion that I have an actual phobia of children. I get all flushed and my heart races when I'm around them. It's not so bad to see like a kid in a shopping cart in the store or at another table in a restaurant but if they are in a position where they might try to interact with me (which they do, a lot, for some reason... a friend told me it was because I have a nice smile but I think he was trying to flirt :rolleyes: ) then I get totally freaked out.
I don't know how to call my phobia. But I have a phobia when it comes to writing. Lame, huh? Every time I try to write an article or a paragraph, I just can't. My stomach starts churning and I start feeling dizzy and all. Weird. ;)
flying, although I am getting better.
A plane always seems to crash the day before I fly though