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What Games Consoles Do You Own?

i have a nintendo DS, love it! the games i have are:zelda and the phantom hourglass(awesome game), Super mario, mario party, spyro, and harvest moon!
MArio Party rocks!!! Only thing is I finished it within about 4 days
haha! i had it just before christmas. and iv been so swamped with work, i had a level exams,a nd homework deadlines...blah.blah.blah and i became a lifeguard over half term, so iv been to busy to play it properly
I want wii! And then I can pretend to get exercise and game at the same time. Win-win! I've got (well, the family has) an xbox 360 and PS2. I'm mostly on the xbox cos of Guitar Hero and Fable 2 and besides that I'm more of a PC gamer (just installed Civ4 on my new laptop! And I've got a sweet lucas arts adventure game that's gonna be installed soon too :D)

Yay for girl gamers.
I own
Xbox (not 360 ;) )
GameBoy Advance
Nintendo DS (i own 2.. actually, my brothers do :p)
and umm that's it i guess?
I don't play any of them, my brothers do. :p
We only have a PS2 - I resist to buy a PS3 as long at Sony doesn't make it compatible to all our PS2 games (again)...
I have...

Play Station 1
Play Station 2
Nintendo Gamecube
Nintendo GBA
Nintendo DS Lite
Nintendo Wii
XBOX 360

Gaming ftw.
My hubby and I have a Playstation 3 with the Move, a Nintendo Wii, and an XBox 360. We've slowly been gaining the different systems, with the XBox being our latest.