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What colour is your hair?

mine is natural.. a dark chestnut with gold tones in it.. it also comes down past my bottom...
My hair is to the middle of my back, light brown with blonde highlights. I have never colored or done any treatments to my hair.
I don't believe in coloring my hair (that's just me for my hair). I love my brunette locks just as they are. :}

My hair is a rich brown and when it catches the light there is a hint of red in it. If you look too closely you will see a few grey hairs too! I don't colour my hair because it upsets my scalp.
Mine is black but i have it dyed to be blonde.
Now i think the natural color is the best. I wont have it dyed again.
Would it be acceptable for a light-tanned skin person to have lilac and dark purple hair? I'd like your opinions before I risk getting it and looking silly :D
My hair is almost black, but in the sunlight it's a copper color. I haven't dyed it, never will.
My hair is dark brown-black.

I used to have it coloured to every colour possible! I had it purple, blue, green, blond, ginger, red, pink, streaks of blond and red and brown and probably some other clours I've forgotten. Now I'm past all that, and I'm sticking to my natural colur for good (or at least until it starts greying..).
My natural hair color seems to defy description. I call it light brown, but most people seem to describe it as red and if I get too much sun in the summetime it will actually turn blond. When I was younger, I always wanted to dye it black because I thought black was prettier, but now that I'm adult I like my hair color and have never even bothered to highlight it, let alone dye it.