For 26 years Vince Mattingley showed off a tattoo that spelt his name in Chinese characters, until someone told him it actually said "Coca-Cola". Vince, from Watford, near London, had the tattoo after asking staff at his favourite restaurant to write his name in Chinese.[/b]
Peanut, an Amazon parrot that imitates sounds, helped save its owner and the man's son from a house fire in Muncie, Indiana, by mocking a smoke alarm. The pair fell asleep on the couch while watching TV and awoke to find their home on fire after hearing Peanut in full voice.[/b]
Burger King bather sacked
An Ohio Burger King employee has been sacked following the release of a video showing him taking a bath in the restaurant's utility sink.[/b]
Okayyy... *rolls eyes*A 9-year-old lip-synched to another girl's voice at the Olympics because Chinese authorities decreed she's just cuter.[/b]
Two Muslim-American women filed a lawsuit on July 24, claiming that a McDonalds restaurant in Dearborn Michigan would not hire them because they refused to remove their Muslim head scarves, if they were to be hired.[/b]
She's not horsing around. This woman is suing the state of Maryland for not letting her massage horses.[/b]
A man is interviewed after having surgery which leaves him with giant hole in his face. The surgery removed his eye and part of his cheek bone, as you will ses.
He now lives with a massive hole in his head, but amazingly seems to have gotten used to it. Unbelievable.
If anything qualifies for a weird but true story, this is it.[/b]
Yay.. I live in Riyadh. I hope to see the kitty somewhereKitty has one brown eye and one blue eye and is a mixture of Persian and Siamese. And Kitty comes from Riyadh. [/b]
A man got a life-size tattoo of his partner's face on his back - only to be dumped for a younger man. The Wales steelworker spent $2000 and 20 hours under the needle, but was left reeling when he found the mother of his two children was having an affair with a workmate.[/b]