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Tired of the dishes

wow, you must have been reading my mind. I thought I was going crazy or perhaps I was the only one destined to never having a nice clean empty sink. Seems every time I finally reach the bottom and wipe it out, I turn around and I will be damned that it has something in it again! How did my mom manage to always have a empty sink??? What really irks me, is making ure the sink is clean and has no dishes when I go to bed at night, because I hate starting the morning with dishes in the sink. But somehow, they still manage. I mean who has 1 dirty glass, and just leaves it in the sink? WIll it kill them to just wash that one stinkin' glass, dry it and put it back in the cabinet?
Doing the dishes is by far the worst chore out there. I usually cook and my husband will clean up and do the dishes. He will usually do the big things like the pots and pans and stuff. Everything else goes into the dishwasher. I wouldn't be able to handle it without my dishwasher. It seems like I do a load everyday.

When I was younger, I had to do dishes after supper as more chore. I absolutely hated it! My hands too, would also get really dry. I would have to use gloves to protect my hands from the harsh soap.
I hear you and understand you completely. Just when I think I'm done I turn around and see some new dishes waiting for me to wash them. I'm so tired and sick of this activity that it even crossed my mind to buy those cheap sets of one time usage plates and to just throw them at the trash after we eat. But that wouldn't be very eco of me so, for now I just keep washing.
I live alone and seem to have a lot of dishes. I can only imagine how much worse it would be with a family around. I don't like using the dishwasher because sometimes they don't get the dishes completely clean. Nothing is better than hand washing to me. Maybe you can wear gloves to help.
I know what you mean. Those dishes seem to magically appear in the sink every time you turn your back. I get tired of washing two or three plates every time so I sometimes let the dishes pile up a bit before starting on them. It does help that I got some of the oxy clean dishwashing soap. That keeps my hand soft and smooth.
Since my original post it's gotten much worse. My brother, his girlfriend, and 2 children are staying with us. No one else will do the dishes. We have to bail out (empty water) our bathroom sink every time we do dishes, so it's kind of a big chore. So here I am...washing load after load after load. It's driving me insane.

Are they just visiting or are you actually letting them live there? If it's the latter, then you should demand they do the dishes. They can consider it their contribution to the rent. ;)
Do what I did to my roommates, start taking all their dirty dishes with dirt water and food residue included and put it in their rooms. If that doesn't work put it in their beds. Mine started doing all of their dishes in a hurry :)
I am glad that I am not alone! I hate doing the dishes too! I always think that when I get my new house with a dishwasher that I will be so excited to not have to do the dishes but I bet I will do them anyway! I hate that when I work 2 days in a row, I will find the sink overflowing and my husband who was off from work didn't offer to do them but he did manage to fill it up on his own! It gets so irritating!
I used to despise the dishes. It seems that every time they got cleaned someone magically
became hungry and needed a snack :mad: But...I have an 11 year old who has an odd domestic
bone and will wash every dish thoroughly and wipe the counters, stove and table. I'm going
to milk her desire to participate in 'family chores' as long as I can. Those teen years come
fast and soon I won't be able to kiss her goodbye when I drop her off from school.
We are all here sharing in your gripe!!! I don't know what I would do without my dishwasher. Just having the mess out of sight does wonders for me as I can not stand having dirty dishes in the sink!