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Tilly !! Help Meeeeeee

I was in the music shop today and asked abtou kids guitars ...

They have a childs acoustic guitar, in pink ! for £33 !!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaand that particular model is called Lauren....

My nieces name is Lauryn !!!!

Could this be fate? I think I'm gonna buy it for her, that's WAY too much of a coincidence to ignore lol
A pink acoustic?! You've got to take a picture when you get it, I must see it! Sounds kind of ugly (no offense

I don't know if £33 is a good price or not, but if it was $33 it would certainly be, so good stuff I guess!
haha yep, it's as ugly as I imagined.

Again, no offence to anyone.
But acoustics only look nice when they're natural colours.

...and sometimes blue.
Its for a kid that likes dressing as snow white, something tells me its the right look

...and if we go with this "fate" does that mean I am getting a sandwich for christmas?
Mmm.. I just had a wrap with lettuce, tomato, hummus, tabouleh, red pepper and onion.

Soooooo good.

....Subby, why is it that everytime you enter a thread it goes off topic?