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tattoos or piercings

I am into piercing, but can not bring myself to get tattooed. I thought I would have had a ton at my age, but there is still not one image that I can commit to. There is nothing that I feel so strongly about that I would want to get on my body. I don't know if that is sad or if I am just waiting for this magical thing that I want to express.
My friend has a rule when it comes to tattoos: If you like it for two years, then it's worth getting. I totally agree with it, because tattoos will be permanent. Laser removal doesn't do the most amazing job getting rid of them and they're difficult to transform into new tattoos. That being said, tattoos can look cool and be a healthy part of self-expression. Just make sure you'd be comfortable with it, even if your skin stretches or sags (inevitable!). It helps to get a discreetly placed or smaller tattoo in case you're working in a professional environment later on. Although, so many people have tattoos that it's becoming more widely acceptable.

Piercings are a more temporary statement. You can take them out, most holes close (except those earlobe things. Do they close? I don't know.). If you are ever working somewhere where they'd be frowned on, it's not a problem. I'd go with piercings.
Piercings are a more temporary statement. You can take them out, most holes close (except those earlobe things. Do they close? I don't know.).

I'm guessing you're talking about stretching? As in, not just pierced ears but when they make them into larger holes?

If so, then mostly ones under a 2-gauge can be removed and then heal. It's still a relatively small hole. Anything larger, though, and you'll end up needing to have surgery to repair it.
Start with a piercing and see if that satisfys you. If not try a tattoo. Good thing about piercings if you dint like it you can always take it out.
My friend has a rule when it comes to tattoos: If you like it for two years, then it's worth getting. I totally agree with it, because tattoos will be permanent.

That sounds like a very sensible rule to me! Of the two I have, one I truly love is the one I thought about the longest (my first one). I like the other one, but not nearly as much as the first one.

As far as the saggy skin - that's why I recommend getting tattoos in areas not likely to sag (at least, not much). Ankle or shoulder, for example. That being said, my 60-year old uncle has several tattoos all over his body, and they still look good. I actually blame him for my interest in tattoos. I was fascinated by the pictures on his skin when I was a kid, lol.
I really don't like neither tattoos nor piercings. I wouldn't like anything so permanent because I get bored pretty easily. I only had my ears pierced because I love how earrings look, it's very feminine and I like when they swing. I'd never pierce any other part of my body though.