New Member
Me & my sister wrote this together a few years ago. I think these 2 are the only ones on the computer so I'll have to find some more later. Hopefully, newer ones.
May Jewels
As I am beat,
I fell the heat
Soaring above my head and feet.
Help get me out, before I go deeper than deep.
Please just let me go to sleep.
Be posessed...just not by me.
You took away my right to see,
Now let me beat you like you did me.
Let you not be free,
But I will let you watch, so you can see what you did to me.
Let you not hear nor see,
So you will be locked far away from me.
Neither jail nor prison will hear of thee,
You will be mine as you have beat me.
So hear this near, hear this far,
As a lesson for your crimidee.

May Jewels
As I am beat,
I fell the heat
Soaring above my head and feet.
Help get me out, before I go deeper than deep.
Please just let me go to sleep.
Be posessed...just not by me.
You took away my right to see,
Now let me beat you like you did me.
Let you not be free,
But I will let you watch, so you can see what you did to me.
Let you not hear nor see,
So you will be locked far away from me.
Neither jail nor prison will hear of thee,
You will be mine as you have beat me.
So hear this near, hear this far,
As a lesson for your crimidee.