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I Love Girl Power Because...

I love it here because it is a girl forum! Lol It brings out the best girlie part hiding inside of me too! Hahaha now it shows!
I love girl power forum because as a girl, this forum can help girls deal with the daily issues in life.It can give the girls their freedom of expression especially if youhave a problem and you not like to share your problems with some personal friends.
I like it here because my identity on this site is different than it is on other sites (and I'm not revealing it here, either) so I can say what I want and not worry about somebody I know finding me.
I love Girl Power forum! :) I feel alive in here, and I feel that I have a lot of girl friends here as gossip mates! I enjoy sharing my experiences here and it's also fun hearing about your experiences as well.
I love that we can talk about almost anything in the comfort and solace of our fellow girls. :D I hope to make more friends in this forum!
I love Girl Power for a few reasons. First of all whats not to love if you are a girl to hear that we are powerful? I have loved since I was a young girl many many many years ago. I also love that I have secret place to go, where outsiders won't know about my most intimate thoughts and ideas. I love sharing here, as well s hearing everyone else's point of view.
I love GP because it gives me the opportunity to interact with others and also it gives me the chance to share my own personal experience may it be bad or good and still get the feeling of being accepted by you guys. I learn a lot from you form the simplest thing as to how to do this and that up to the most complicated thing about love and life. I oh so love GP. :)
I love Girl Power Forum because I can be open and I can really unleash and talk about all of the things I love... I have to keep them a secret in real life and I get really tense because of it. Typing on the internet doesn't really replace actual talking but this place helps me blow off some steam and vent (either negative or positive :3) and for that I am grateful. That, and you guys are soooo patient with me and my ADHD... haha!

EDIT: Aww, and what a wonderful 600th post! D'awww! :) *and gives Chapel a huuuuuuuge hug ;)*
It's a place where I can go to talk with girls and girls only. It's pretty refreshing since most of my friends are males
Well I love this site because I can shre my ideas and talk to others that need help or have the same issues. This site is fun and very easy to use as well, I am glad that I can meet new people around the site and talk a lot haha. This is a great site and I am glad that everyone else is having fun as well.

I wish everyone the best of luck and hope that you get a lot of fun out of the site.
I love Girl Power Forum because it is fun, very interactive and we are all talking about Girl's stuffs. I can feel the freedom here. :)
I feel that I have answered this question before, but I am not sure. I love girl power because it is a fun and special place to be. You will learn a lot from every girl here and that it totally amazing. You can be yourself and ask questions that will get answered. This is a pretty friendly forum and everyone has a story to tell. I hope that all of you had a nice New Year. Let's bring a lot of joy to 2012 ladies haha.
I love Girl Power forum for a number of reasons. Mainly, it has an absolutely lovely feel to it that most online spaces lack.

There is a sense of safety, the members are awesome and I like the feel of the owners and moderators etc. It is just a big slice of awesomeness.

The gals here really go out of their way to share, help, care, hug, love etc...all the great stuff. Great place in cyberspace. I wish it great success in 2012 and beyond...
Who run the world? Girls! lol

The reason I chose this forum is because I'm a feminist, even most of my classmates mistake me for being a lesbian because of this. One thing I abhor about this society is the ever ancient patriarchal mentality and that women are supposed to be weak. I also like to hear ideas from empowered girls so that I could learn from them. I think this is also a great way to help other girls who might be having problems and try to encourage them.