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How Was Your Weekend?

Boringly! We did nothing yesterday at all. Lack of motivation and energy! That's what holidays do to you! Back to work tmor :hissyfit: Not looking forward to that!
I didnt get up to much at the weekend. Worked all day sat and went for a drink with my mum sunday night!

Cant wait for this weekend. Going to Thorpe Park for the first time. Well nervous, Chesington scared the crap out of me lol, loved it though! x
Well, I have been having more fun during the week than I have on the weekends!!! Monday night I had no responsibilities except for myself, and I stayed at the pub across the street from my house for open mic, it was great fun, as usual...then last night I drove my guitar singer buddy and another buddy to an invitation only-sort of closed mic shindig, and that was great fun too!!