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His and Her Matching Outfits

Of course you are entitled to your opinion, I'm not trying to convince you of anything. I'm SO in love, I think about my boyfriend all the time -:love: I'm crazy about him:love: - and maybe this is why I find matching outfits so cute:D

Well, I would smile if I saw a couple wearing outfits like these:) I like when people are so in love:) And I think that the most important is to feel good - if they feel good in matching outfits, it really doesn't matter what other people think.
I don't really think I'd buy his and hers anything, but I think they're funny. And it could be helpful, if you've lost your partner in the crowd, you can turn around and ask a stranger, "Hey, did you see a guy running around wearing the same thing as me?"
At the time it seemed funny when an ex and I worse similar outfits, now looking back I cringe. It was an accident, but some people do it deliberately and if they like it, it doesn't hurt anyone, but for me personally now, I would avoid it.
My husband and I have also done this on accident, both wearing jeans and a similarly colored shirt, but no big deal. I don't think I'd like wearing the exact same outfits though. Coordinating things together looks nice in my opinion, especially for photos or even special occasions.