Cold hard truth. Please. Heres the cold hard truth!
Pyro Girl is an abreviation given to you by THE MAN (Myself). its substantiated by the simple fact you are female and like fire. A pretty Obvious fact by your name. if I was to call you Princess Pyro it would be an afront to any "Actual" princessess out there as you would be masquerading as one of them. So it would be safer to assume you are a female Pyro and leave it at that! You being a princess is a farce (although not a bad one
I wouldnt mind being a prince but hey, im dealing with the cards I was delt in life) And so I refer to you as Pyro Girl, A socially acceptable modification of your name to state your true status in the world. hell my name is The Man, But hey, I am a man and so I claim myself to be one!
This isnt an insult as on other forums I go by created (or uncreative sometimes) names and play along in the game of having a lack of forum identity in which keeps my social and private life safe!
Pyro Girl, You have been politely Served! The balls in your court!
(im enjoying this and dont construde it as flame, Were just getting along and testing eachother!)
Pyro Girl is an abreviation given to you by THE MAN (Myself). its substantiated by the simple fact you are female and like fire. A pretty Obvious fact by your name. if I was to call you Princess Pyro it would be an afront to any "Actual" princessess out there as you would be masquerading as one of them. So it would be safer to assume you are a female Pyro and leave it at that! You being a princess is a farce (although not a bad one
This isnt an insult as on other forums I go by created (or uncreative sometimes) names and play along in the game of having a lack of forum identity in which keeps my social and private life safe!
Pyro Girl, You have been politely Served! The balls in your court!
(im enjoying this and dont construde it as flame, Were just getting along and testing eachother!)