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Have you got any suggestions and ideas...

Member who uses on average more than 5 smilies per post!!!

she/he who obeys the most
ummm im out of ideas, its too late for me!!!

*big kiss to the land of GP*
noity noit, im going to sleep!!

Jen xxx
Unfortunately, I'm not going to implement this request, sorry homestar....

reason being, I think people would take advantage, I would hate for anyone to spam and then delete afterwards. Or similar.

However, if there is a post you make and have made a mistake or afterwards you wish it to be removed, please feel free to PM myself or another member of staff who can do this for you.


I hope you understand my reasons? But please please... this goes to you all... if there is anything you post and wish to remove from the board, feel free to contact one of us
Hi Snowy :wave2:

How's about if someone post a topic or a poll, if there are loads of people making comments on it and its really active that they should get an award
and it might incourage more people to start new post :umm: :umm:

because it is a bit quiet on here lately

But your always on snowy and you bubbles so heres cuddles for you
how about........

"emPOWERment " Forum

This would be like a power of positive thinking phrase
but for the girls,.. lift each other up sort of speak and post a aentence that would be a confident
one to the female readers when they need to be told theyre wonderful.

example: <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div>
" the beauty of a woman is in her eyes , through sight everyone will see you radiate
the woman in you . radiate bueaty inside and out."[/b]

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div>
"pat yourself on the back today if nobody else did
you deserve some regognition"[/b]

then members can post there one phrease wise and uplifting empowering sentence. if a membe {girl} needs to feel she is more than how she feels at the moment which would be down or blue. low self esteem, the empowerment forum is where they would go for positive phrases and one will stick in there mind and they can hold onto that one lliner for a lifetime perhaps.

i remember this one i was told.....its ok to say no to people ,...sometimes you have to.
or <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div>
" choose your audience and tailor your speech "[/b]

anyhow thats one idea for a girly power empowerment forum or thread .
can i help out here as a mod? what would i have to do?

i have allot of ideas
I like this idea... I'll try it out tonight after work! As for mod... fortunately, our site doesn't require modding... and at the minute we have a sufficient number a staff, but I'll keep you in mind for future should we need more.

Thank you for offering

Keep those ideas coming....

yay!!!! thanks for trying it out snowy

i have plenty more where that came from. but right now im distracted by the movie "frailty"
so ill do so super soon ok?
thanks again
how about the " GirlPoWeR ScOuTs " forum
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div>
scout leaders-mortisha- snowy tiddly ????[/b]
inside there can be such topics as:

TOPIC=1} what have you done good today? =just to let you know i came up with that topic in the um so it wouldnt be copying anybody elese idea cause its mine .

TOPIC=2} post your cookie recipes here{or other baked goods}

TOPIC=3} stratigies and survial methods that down right work.

example : THREAD-need to eliminate clutter in your life?
throw ten away
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div>
Try throwing ten things away a day!
next day -post what you threw away.
it becomes like a game instead of a dredded task.[/b]

TOPIC=4}what have you learned here? what can you teach?
TOPIC=5}Earn your badge heres how!

TOPIC}=6}Scouting Poll -Voting on girlpower scouts-
who will be scout of the month-year-day
