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Hate Wearing Makeup

My entire life, I've never appreciated wearing makeup. Even during my first job interviews, I've never had it in me to wear any. Fortunately for me, the kind of work I usually apply in strictly require women to not wear make-up because the particles coming from the powder can ruin the ICs.

I've never worn make-up for such a long time now. I seldom use lip balm.
I think on a daily basis eyeliner is enough. With a little practice you'll be able to apply it in less than minute - and it makes eyes look so big and sexy!:D If your lashes aren't dark, you should also use mascara. You only need two minutes to put on this simple makeup:)
I usually don't wear makeup unless I need to go somewhere but I used to wear a lot of make up in high school. I try to do anything and everything that I can do the night before, that way it eliminates more work for the morning. It really does depend on how much make up you want to wear but my 'basic' make up in the mornings take about 15 minutes. I usually pluck at night and apply a cream, preferably something with aloe - it'll leave the skin smooth and it'll help it relax after all the plucking. I usually straighten my hair the night before and just do a 'quick' straighten - so basically just the top layer of your hair - in the morning to make it look fresh. Then I apply some mascara, eyeliner and lip gloss and good to go! It really does depend on what kind of look you're going for though because when I was into make up a lot more, I would have to wake up 2 hrs before the time I needed to leave at and I'd still be running late all the time!
I haven't used makeup since I was in my 20's. That is like 20 years ago. And I feel so free without having to worry whether my eyeliner will streak or my foundation will cake on my face. My beauty routine every day is to cleanse my face and apply moisturizer with SPF and then a little powdered talc. That's all. I sometimes will use lip gloss or lip balm when I go out. I have no wrinkles and my skin is very flawless.