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Do you wear makeup when you go out?

I wear basic, natural looking makeup every day. The only thing I would REALLY "need" in my opinion is foundation to even out the redness in my skin, and mascara to darken my almost clear lashes. I do a few other things for personal preferences, but don't feel nake without.
I don't typically wear make up unless it's some special occasion. So, I don't bother with make up when I'm going out to places like the supermarket or whatever.
I wear minimal makeup, but yes, I do put on eyeliner before I go out and feel naked otherwise. Then if I'm actually dressing up for something more special, then I'll wear more makeup and go through a longer process.
I almost never wear make-up so no I don't worry about putting make-up on. On rare occasion I will put make-up on to go out to dinner or somewhere nice, but I don't often put the make-up on for these events either. I never got into the habit of wearing it, as a teenager I didn't wear it too often so now I am not in a habit of wearing it :)
I'm pretty lazy about makeup. However, I think it's super important to regularly moisturize/use sunscreen, because UV damage can result in scary things like skin cancer. Errr seeing as I forgot to wear moisturizer today, I'm going to apply some RIGHT NOW.

Also, I'm actually really against foundation - luckily, I have great skin and don't need to worry much. But even if I didn't, heavy makeup would not be my friend. If you have acne or rashes it tends to spread infection and further increase irritation. I also don't love that it tends to be popular with people who have great skin, either to lighten or create the appearance of tanning. Girl, be comfortable with yourselves! You are gorgeous! But a lot of these problems are rooted in media representations of beauty, etc.

Although, I'm not going to criticize another woman's makeup decisions. I mean the most important thing is that you go out feeling confident and comfortable. If makeup does that for you, then go for it. Even though I don't wear foundation, I do love mascara and eyeliner and like to make them part of my daily look.
Unfortunately I don't feel comfortable without makeup:( . My skin isn't that great and I find my eyes to small. Sometimes I go out without makeup though, but only if I know that I won't meet anyone I know:p . I wear eyeliner, mascara and some mineral powder. I don't use any foundation because In my opinion it's not good for the skin.