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Choosing a Name

I didn't give my oldest the name I had picked out for her. I had picked out Katherine for her but when I held her I thought that she was more like a queen so I named her Elizabeth. She hates that story, btw. LOL Hubby named our middle daughter, Krystol. He got it from a novel he read once. He said it was the princess's name in that story. And we let my best friend from college name our youngest. She named her Twilitte, not because of the book however. The evening time was always our favorite time of day so she decided to name the baby after that.

Now if we ever have a son, we're going to have to pick some boy names out. I've always liked the name Alexander. In fact, in college my friend & I were talking. I told her that I was going to name my son Alexander Draco (yes I am a HP fan) and she said she was going to name her Erlenmeyer. We were in chemistry that semester. LOL
My middle daughter was named Laura because I liked it and because it was the name of a character in a book I had enjoyed when I was younger. She likes her name but it seems to have put her off books!
If your daughter likes her name you are doing well, most young people moan at their parents because they don't like their names.
I am currently working in an office where one dept has an Alexandra, an Alexander and an Alexei... everytime someone calls 'Alex' across the office, three heads go up at once...
I got my daughter's name from a nursery setting I worked at I loved the name as soon as I heard it, I had never heard it back the (1992) but I didn't have my daughter till 1994 lol. It is a well used name now as there is a Kelsey in the High School Musicals.

My sons were another matter lol they caused a few disagreements with my hubby and I. Also my hubby wanted our last child to be called Cameron Oliver....but there was the fact of his initials lol he would have been C.O.C not good lol. My middle one is Luke, but he was chosen just because that was one we finally agreed on
My daughter's first name came to me out of the blue. I don't know where it came from. Then one day, talking to my hubby on the phone, he asked what I thought her first name should be and I blurted it out and he liked the name too. Later on, I realized that her first name must have come from watching 'Sex and the City' cause one of the lead female characters of that show has the exact name.

So much for being original. I was on a big 'Sex and the city' craze back then during my pregnancy. It was just good fun.

Anyway, it took me another six months to come up with her middle name. I tried out all sorts of combination names, including various misspellings of my own first name just to see if that would work. Then one day, I was watching TV and heard someone say a name in the background and knew instantly that was it. Turns out, my daughter likes her middle name more than her first name.
Hmmm, i wont be influenced by film, books or television.
Maybe the baby's grandpa(s) ideas would be taken into account.
I might give him/her a meaningful name :)
I want to name my future child, Tamar. :D I think its a wonderful name, and if i'm not mistaken its a name that has good meaning too. :D
Our challenge was to pick a name that went well with the middle names. Since those were already set. My oldest son, we decided last minute on Jakob.
I want to name my future child, Tamar. :D I think its a wonderful name, and if i'm not mistaken its a name that has good meaning too. :D
It is a nice name, I considered the name Tamar because my children are part Cornish and the river Tamar (which separates Cornwall from Devon) had been significant in our lives. I decided against it because I thought people would assume it was short for Tamara and I don't like that name.
My eldest great nephew is called Luke after Skywalker as his dad is obsessed by Star Wars... the youngest great nephew is called Leonidas or Leo for short, because of the movie 300.. Leonidas was the King of Sparta...
I would feel a bit doubtful about naming a baby after a character from a film, I am not sure why.
I just usually come up with names spontaneously. For instance, I love the names Paige, Katilin, Catherine, and Brandi (for girls) and Joshua. Dylan, and Cole for boys.
Is it any different to naming it after a member of the Royal Family? There are millions of Elizabeths for instance... and Now the names William and Harry for boys are suddenly all the rage..

Since baby Leo is Greek, naming him after a hero of Greek mythology isn't that odd....