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Boyfriend Doesn't Trust Me

Have you meet him?:)
I think that it's really, really important to be cautious when you are making friends online. Giving your adress to someone that you haven't met in person is just to risky - your friend clearly is responsible and it's a good thing, you don't have any reason to worry. I'm sure he'll trust you after you talk face to face.
I met someone online and we have been talking for about three months now. He has already told me that he loves me and we are planning on seeing each other next month. Things are great for the most part until last night I asked him for his address so I could send him a Christmas card. Well, he was hesitant and I called him out on it. I think he doesn't trust me.

My first thought when I read this is that is sounds very much like he's trying to hide something (thinking along the lines of... oh, say a wife...) because I've seen it happen so many times in the 10 years I've been online. I really don't see it as him not trusting you as much as not wanting you to find something out about him that he's not told you.
It may not be that he doesn't trust you. It may be that he is hiding something that he doesn't want you to know about. If you only see him online, that leaves room for people to play games. Many guys like that have a wife and kids and secretly use online dating as a way of escape. Run away from him now! Because that alone is a red flag.
Honestly that's not the only reason he doesn't want to give you his address, maybe he is hiding something. I don't mean to make you feel bad or anything, but it's suspicious he won't give you his address.

I have heard of girls meeting guys online who wouldn't give them their address or want to meet them face to face. In some cases the guys were hiding something, like a wife or a live-in gf.

Not saying this could be the case, but you should really find out what's really going on.
I would get webcam, at talk to him! Not saying he is, but sometimes people lie over the internet and maybe he made himself sound sooooo much better than he actually is. He's afraid that you'll find out and not be his boyfriend! :cautious:;)
I met someone online and we have been talking for about three months now. He has already told me that he loves me and we are planning on seeing each other next month. Things are great for the most part until last night I asked him for his address so I could send him a Christmas card. Well, he was hesitant and I called him out on it. I think he doesn't trust me.[/Q

I think its you who shouldn't trust him. If he is unwilling to give you his home address theres something he doesnt want you to know about. But then again, 3 months is not very long, maybe he just has general trust issues so try not to take it personally.