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Am I A Fattie???

The stupid medication I'm on causes a lot of people to gain between 10 and 30 kilos, which you can't shift until you stop the meds.

It makes me angry that I try to watch what I eat and go for long walks everyday and still can't shift any weight off.
im on a diet im gonna be honest i weigh like 135 and im 5'2" and i am somwhat comfortable with my body...i need too loose some extra lbs but im workin on it...!!!
Tia just think how big you could be if you didn't watch what you eat and go for long walks :umm:
it will be making a difference
The best walking to do is like a power walk keep trying to put little burst into your long walk a first, so that you can feel your heartbeat working harder you should not get out of breath but you should not be able to hold a conversation

Talk soon
Originally posted by Dreama@Jul 11 2005, 07:30 AM
im on a diet im gonna be honest i weigh like 135 and im 5'2" and i am somwhat comfortable with my body...i need too loose some extra lbs but im workin on it...!!!
Dreama.... you shouldt NOT be dieting at such a young age.... end of story!

Tia, I bet you're just fine. Most likely a little paranoid because you know the side effects of the meds you take? Anyways.... even if you were 50 stone in weight.... it's the person we all love, not the body.
Originally posted by Snowbaby+Jul 11 2005, 07:16 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Snowbaby @ Jul 11 2005, 07:16 AM)</div>
@Jul 11 2005, 07:30 AM
im on a diet im gonna be honest i weigh like 135 and im 5'2" and i am somwhat comfortable with my body...i need too loose some extra lbs but im workin on it...!!!
Dreama.... you shouldt NOT be dieting at such a young age.... end of story!
no im unhealthy and a nutritionist told me what to do and how....
Diets are bad if you're under 18. They will just slow your metabolism down because it's still a a tender state at that age. Basically means as soon as you start eating normally again you'll gain more weight (trust me I know)
Just please be happy with how you look and how you are. No-one needs to be skinny. The lack of self-esteem around this can turn so so much worse and I wouldn't want it to happen to any of you.
Originally posted by VoLcOmBabyBoox@Jul 12 2005, 08:59 PM
ok do u Guys think they r gonna take me in modelins if i am 12 5'5heights 100Lbs i lost 5 pounds Baybeee
100 is a tiny weight for someone your age. Don't lose anymore. It is unhealthy. I'm sure you look beautiful just the way you are.
Originally posted by Snowbaby@Jul 10 2005, 08:16 AM
Ok here's one for you....

Would you rather be as you are.... healthy and happy, or would you rather be sick and not able to put on weight because you are sick?

What I'm trying to say here is....

Accept your body how it is and stop worrying, stop wishing, start LIVING!!!!

For years I felt I was overweight, all through my high school & college years, I was convinced I was overweight, wore baggy clothes all the time. But it's not worth it, I made myself sick because I was so convinced.

You do grow out of it, so just relax.... and LIVE !!!!!!!!
Very well said sweetie.

Also...VoLcOmBabyBoox...you are only 12 sweetie...enjoy being a teen and get plenty of excersise and eat the right things..but you really have to stop worrying about your weight as everyone varies in size and weight...you sound like a healthy weight and size to me...just be happy as a teen because once you are an adult...you don't get time to enjoy doing kiddy things.

Hope you get the job you want hun.
Honestly, I doubt it. Im 15 (in two months) and weigh like, 85. (And Im short to boot) But Im not like, anorexic or anything. I eat whatever I want, whenever I want, but I excercise a lot. Like, I run 1/2 a mile each day at approx. 8 mph (Treadmills rock) and then work out my arms doing push-ups and pukk-ups and stuff. I have fun
(which reminds me I haven't done my crunches in days...)
well, my 'diet' is going good. i've become a lot slimmer, and that was by having a balanced diet and by getting loads of excersise everyday
it's not that i think i'm fat or anything, i jsut want to be as healthy and fit as possible for my karate