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A To Z Of Things That Annoy Us

Rampaging dogs who escape from their cage whilst you are at work and proceed to trash your bedroom in a very meticulous manner....

(guess who's off to buy a new duvet?

Its T dot

... so I will go with Tea-Bags. Why does Tea get the bags, what would coffee do if it wanted to go on a holiday?
:eek::eek::eek::eek: and also .....

Tilly? how could you???????? *sobs* they are the bestest band ever ever ever in the history of the Universe.......now go to the corner and hang your head in shame ! SHAME I tell you

Bald men who insist on having a bad comb over

...I mean if I took some wax from my ear and put it on the table.. then lit it on fire... how could that be considered romantic.
