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3 fears

I think mine are
loosing a family member.
Bees wasp and buzz bombs eeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrr
they freek me out especially buzz bombs they come out at winter they are like a cross between moths and bees and they dive at you and get stuck in your hair

Oooh let me see...

Spiders- For obvious reasons!

Choking- When I was little I had a piece of beef stuck in my throat so sometimes I panic when eating beef.

Clowns- There is something deeply disturbing and sinister about them but I really got fearful of them after watching IT.
Spiders - cos they bite you ! inject you with poison that turn your insides into soup ! then suck them all out with their big fangs (ok so this may only be true if you are a fly but it's the PRINCIPLE that counts right?)

Heights - so technically it's not the "height" that scares me...it's going "SQUISH" when I hit the ground

Cows - I'm fine with them on the other side of a fence/wall but OMG I hate being in a field with them
Originally posted by thistle@Apr 29 2005, 11:14 PM
(ok so this may only be true if you are a fly but it's the PRINCIPLE that counts right?)
Oh absolutely... I totally agree with you 150%

they are a bit scary, especially when the pretend to be angry and the sway their finger at you and pretend to scream...it creeps me when they do that lol
i am absolutely TERRIFIED of mimes. no matter wot they are doing
it's just their silent manner, and their creepy white faces.... *wimpers and hides in the corner* can't sleep.... mimes will eat me
awwwwww Pyro!
it's okay, Ill save you from the 'Pyro-eating' mimes, if you'll fight off the evil 'TJ-eating' flour...maybe you could hold some milk up to it and say something like: "I mean it! I'll clump you and turn you into SCONES!" and I can say to the evil mime: "I mean it...I'll clean your white face and pinch your gloves!!..rah!"
(Potty, you even got me saying TJ now!
Merlin !!!!!!

Where HAVE you been????? huh? huh? huh?

*smoooooooooooochies* welcome back

So um.......wanna come abseiling with me sweetie? we can pee ourselves together