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What Makes You Cackle?


Active Member
Sep 12, 2004
New Zealand
Here's a wee thread to share the things that crack you EVERY time. Maybe jokes, quotes, things that friends (or you, because some of you a bloomin' hilarious hehe) have said. Things that have you in tears, or near to it, every time you think of it. The kind of things that you think about it on the bus and suddenly laugh aloud or grin stupidly. It doesn't have to be funny to anyone else - I'm positive many things I found side-splitting aren't that funny at all - but lets hear it

My personal favourites would be this bloomin' hilarious! Everytime *cackles*
"Only he stimulated towards Cruward, running speedily, like a swift breeze of wind."
SO FUNNY. Every time. There are more. Like the masterful plan to destroy a town by digging channels around it. Then a volcano willl erupt, scheduled "three days from now" fill the channels with MAGMA and the town will be destroyed form the temperatures. Bwahahaha. *cackles some more*

Lina with croaky throat: I sound like a 14yr old boy!
Lina with croaky throat: Oh! You know why I sound like this?
Me: Puberty?

I don't know if anyone else finds that funny but it still cracks me up. I have my (rare) witty moments. Haha.

"It's funny until someone gets hurt....then it's HILARIOUS"

Last year, the deputy head girl went up onto the stage to make an announcement. She tripped going up the stairs while her pants fell down. The whole senior school (about 600 girls) cracked up and applauded her.

And one time in the halls I saw a girl push a door to hard. It hit the wall and rebounded back, knocking her in the forehead. I nearly died laughing and it makes me laugh even now. The look on her face was priceless.
and there was this chik running along the side of the pool, so we called her name. she looked behind her (at us) while she was running. she slipped and fell into the pool and she was fully clothed

Today my friend opened a door too hard and it smacked her in the face. I cracked up and insisted on telling everyone (which I did).
there are these brick pillar/veranda supports at my school, where me and my friends sit. on the last week of term someone smushed a piece of bacon into the wall. it was the first day back today after 2week holidays. it's still there, and it's gone black. i burst out laughing when i saw it

also, there is what me and my friend call 'Roadside Treasures' which is junk on the side of the road, so far this year there's been:
* a bedsheet
* speedos
* a pair of scissors
and lots more.

when people throw fruit at a wall and it just kinda smushes everywhere

and fruit smushed to the road