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the Bronze Horseman


Active Member
Sep 12, 2004
New Zealand
Oh my gosh, recently finished the most amazing series by Paullina Simons. It starts with the Bronze Horseman,if you've heard of it? One night I was at a party and this random girl turns to me and says "Have you read the Bronze Horseman? You should, you look like the kind of person who would love it". And I did.

Basically it's about this girl, Tatiana, from Leningrad who lives with her Mother, Father, sister and twin brother during the seige of Leningrad in WWII. It's more of a love story though than a war story but the war part is aMAZING. She falls in love with a soldier who her sister is actually in love with so Tatiana refuses to be with him to spare her sister the hurt. But then the seige starts and horrible things happen and it's SO SAD. This is the 2nd book I've ever cried in (the first being the last book in Robin Hobb's Asassin series *tear*). It's a trilogy too. The second 2 books are also Awesome but not as good as the first.

It's the kind of book that keeps you up at night though so be warned. I normally read myself to sleep within about 20mins but with these books I'd have to stop myself reading at midnight (or 2am....) and switch to another book so I could calm down enough to sleep, it's so intense.

Read them!