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Long Distance Relationships


Dec 28, 2011
Do you guys think long distance relationships could work? I've tried it before, and it didn't work out too well. I decided to give it another try, because I really like this guy. I hope it lasts longer than my other relationship.
I think that long distance relationships can work if both parties are willing to put the work into making them work. I’ve had a few long distant relationships before and some failed because the other person just didn’t put much of himself into the relationship; he wasn’t killing to take the risks I was. I can’t say, however, that long distant relationships never work because there were some that worked out very well for me. In fact, my husband and I were in a long distance relationship and obviously it worked out because we’re happily married. I really think it depends on the people involved and the situation itself.
I believe that if you both try and dedicate yourself to eachother it can happen. However you have to have the motivation and dedication to do it.

I myself hate long distance just because I hate not being able to cuddle my boyfriend, and I'm not used to not sleeping beside him so right now it sucks because I haven't seen him in 3 weeks because of Christmas break and we both really dislike it. So I wouldn't have a lot distance relationship..

I think it also depends on if you both are truly okay with being away from eachother and if you trust one and other not to cheat and what not.
Long distance relationship could work since I knew some relationships like that, that really works. It will just depend on several factors just like feelings for each other which is if its really real or they really love each other, distance would not matter. There are so many ways now to keep in touch with someone on different and far place from you. So no reason not to have constant communication with each other.
Long distance relationships can work if they are only temporary. When there is an end in site, people know they just have to hang on and they will be together again. Where there isn't a date in site, people do not keep the relationship a priority and find people closer.
They might work if the two parties have complete trust in each other. I personally don't think I could stand it and would be worried the whole relationship that other was cheating on my or lying about something. There is just no way to know for sure that person is being real.
I agree with the posters above! It's all about commitment and trust on BOTH sides. Without that, well the odds get worse.

I'm living proof it CAN work out if both parties really want it to. My fiance was living in NC (I'm in New England) when we first met. It was indescribably hard to be so far away from him, but we toughed it out and are living happily ever after up north now. Even after three years, I still look at him sleeping on his side of the bed and I'm so grateful he's there every single night :)
It can work if both of you put the effort to it. I can say this because I currently am in one at the moment, and let me tell you - some of our friends envy us because we have a well going relationship, even better than some other couples who aren't in a long distance one! They also wonder how we don't get problems in terms of jealousy, time and all those. We've both handled the relationship very well, and we are working on making it better :)

Trust, communication, patience, hope, LOVE. I believe it's what you need. If one of the couple has a problem with any of these, especially trust and hope (being negative about how it might not last, or how he/she might not be able to take it), then don't expect much.
It can work for a period of time if you have plans to be with each other again. But if you have no idea when you will be together it won't work. I got back with my ex after 10 years, but we broke up during that time.
My husband and I were in a long distance relationship. We were from two different countries and for us to meet, one of us needed to have a passport. It was difficult at first but we were so in love that we put so much effort in the relationship and now we've been married for 22 years. It was difficult being apart and communication was only through snail mail and the telephone. I did get a big telephone bill each month but to hear his voice over the phone was worth it all.

Long distance relationship can work but it's hard especially in this age of instant gratification. But with skype and email, communication will be much easier than it used to be. And the key to a successful long distance relationship is communication.
I have had a few, and one of them lasted a couple of years. It does take more work, but it can definitely be successful. I would say as long as you have known the person before they moved, it has a better chance of working. Starting at a distance might not work out so well because you don't really get a chance to interact with the person. Things might be different when you actually do hang out in person.
Long distance relationships probably can work, but you have to really work at it. Communication would be a major key in making it work.
Long distance relationships do work. I have been there and it's not all that different. You still need to keep the lines of communication open, trust each other and show respect.
Long distance relationships will only work if there is lots of love, patience and communication involved. It also depends if you've met the other person over the internet, if you have, is there a possibility you'll meet in person some day? Or is it always going to be a long distance relationship?
Long distance relationships will only work if there is lots of love, patience and communication involved. It also depends if you've met the other person over the internet, if you have, is there a possibility you'll meet in person some day? Or is it always going to be a long distance relationship?

It could work if both want more than just an online fling. I met my partner online, in an online game to be exact, and we have no problems. I even met his family now.