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Jobs, Jobs, Jobs......


New Member
Apr 8, 2005
So, since losing my last job (to which I'm still
) I found another job working for the government. It's a cushy job for most people, I live in a government city and most people see getting into the government as being the best place you can work. To me, it is the worst place and will always be the worst place to work.

For one thing, it is boring as sin. Everything is GREY and they think that 'colourful' means having a green or purple door here and there. No matter what you do, the work is drab. Especially if you're doing admin stuff, which is what I'm currently doing. And not to mention that the people are boring too! They're the same everywhere! I don't know if it's just me, but I can't get over their mundane conversations.

And the other thing is that I've been at this new job for over a week, and I've done so little work I think I'm going crazy. I had work for a couple of hours today but now there's a half hour left to my day and I'm stuck surfing the net and wondering what I'm going to do this weekend.

I miss my old job... I don't miss the horrible "supervisor" but I miss the work and my other co-workers.
I was so good at the work too which makes me even more
