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Inklings Of...


Active Member
Sep 12, 2004
New Zealand
I can't believe I forgot to say anything!

I don't know if I ever mentioned it but my school had (past tense becuase it was run by year 13s who are all now leaving for university and/or the rest of their lives) a creative writing club called the DA (Drabblers' Association).

So, after a year of writing pieces, everyone thought it was a brilliant idea to publish our own book of all our pieces. And we did it! It all went perfectly. The book is called "Inklings of..." with a really Pretty cover. It's A5 sized. This tuesday we had a book launch at school. Friends, family, teachers and the principal were invited. HOD of English had a wee speech, as did the Principal. There was food and talking and SIGNING. It was crazy and great and it went perfectly and everyone was so excited.

We sold them for $3 each and so many people bought them. So great. So so great.

Yeah, I just wanted to share
. I had two pieces in it. One was the Pretty and Perfect one and this other one about school which is as follows -


Hot chips cartons crushed and balanced on the table
Old batteries and chocolate wrappers hiding down the couch sides.
Tipped over chairs
Dishes on the bench
We so didn’t deserve to be locked out of the Common Room

Pizza war?
I don’t know what you’re talking about
The duties cleaned it up, didn’t they?
Yes they did.

Unlock the door
Our lockers are in there
We need to get our books
We need the heaters
It’s cold outside


I don't think it's very good but the Principal ended up reading it out at our last 7th form (ie yr13) assembly because it's so very yr13 and people laughed when she read out "We so didn't deserve..." which made me happy hehe