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Homework Angst


New Member
Apr 16, 2005
Planet Lottie
I don't have any because I am not at school.
I used to hate doing Maths homework though.
I was a slacker in high school... I rarely did any homework. They were all my least favorite, except for English in which I excelled.
Well... I'm going to rant, very sorry. Here goes. School: CAN'T STAND IT! I try and try and try and still I'm flunking Biology!!! I have a C- in Algebra, and in US History I have an A- (miracle) I'm even failing band and choir!! Well... I TRY at my homework, very very hard. But I always get mad when mutti or vati try to help and throw a huge childish fit.. then they wont help anymore. So I do my best and flunk out on practically EVERY ASSIGNMENT... Lucky in Algebra she grades based off of if you finished or not... but when it comes to tests... YUCK! "F" And it's sooo irratating because last semester I aced everything. Getting a B made me cry... now they're tears of joy... what to do, what to do... Am I doomed to retaking Biology... a required class? Will I EVER understand it? I honestly doubt it. Well, that's it. Hating homework, hating class.
Sounds like something has changed if you did so fantastically last semester and now you're having trouble staying afloat. In first year I was got B+ and A- (mostly A-) but in 2nd year I bombed and got a C+ in one of my papers which almost destroyed my chances of doing honours. It was all cos I was going through some stuff that I felt I couldn't cope with and it was taking a toll on my work....maybe there's something else going on that's putting pressure on you?

Otherwise, maybe you could ask your parents for a tutor or something. If you get an alright one, they know what they're talking about and are pretty patient.

And I also despised doing maths. Most times I did homework for it I cried cos OMG IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. But hey, no more maths for me! Except stats for my uni course....bah.
argh! iv completely lost motivation with homework and school work
not a good thing when im doing a levels! i just cant be bothered! i never used to be like this! i was basically a swot! im still doing okay in three out of four of my subjects but im failing biology completely! i hate one of my teachers so that probably doesnt help!
Well. It has a lot to do with things that I'm dealing with right now and how a lot of them seem more important than buckeling down. It also has a lot to do with the fact that I've developed a negative outlook on my future and have a major lack of motivation. But mainly, I think what it is, is course changes. Before I was taking English 9, Spanish 1, and Gym... well, that's easy enough... I could get out of gym pretty easily with just writing a little summary of a health topic due to my high blood pressure and asthma... New langauges come naturally to me, and English has always been my easy pass subject.
Now in place of gym, I've got Algebra... In place of English, US History (The teachers of those classes are married, I think that's kinda fun) And in place of Spanish, my favorite class, Biology... my LEAST favorite class.
Luarammorgan... I know EXACTLY how you feel on EVERYTHING you said. And I don't comprehend a single thing said in Biology. And it's a required class at my school!!! If I don't pass it I have to retake it!
Oh, but good news... I oficailly got my Bio grade up to a D+... it's so sad that that makes me smile...