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Habits you try to break?


Active Member
Jun 13, 2010
We all have bad habits, and we try to break them.

Which are some of yours you are trying to break? I am starting to try to stop ending posts and stuff with "so, yeah".
Smoking, gosh I'm terrible for it. Determined to stop though. I bite my nails when they're not painted which is odd too..
I think I'm a bit of a nagger to my husband, specially when I am tired and hungry.
I think it's really bad but I am trying to mellow down now.
We all have bad habits, and we try to break them.

Which are some of yours you are trying to break? I am starting to try to stop ending posts and stuff with "so, yeah".

lol! that was really funny, maybe because i tend to say "so, there.."most of the time! lol! Now the habit I am trying to break.. it's not really a bad habit so to speak, but it makes life a little hard for me! I could not sleep without having something rough to rub my feet on to,to add up not just any "rough, rough (lol)" would do. My feet would look for a certain type of rough texture and unless I have that, it's going to be IMPOSSIBLE for me to sleep!
I wear glasses, and I have a habit of constantly pushing them up on my nose. I do it CONSTANTLY, and it annoys my mother.

Another would be...that when I get nervous or anxious I start touching my nose, and holding it and stuff. It's not like I pick my nose, but apparently my mom finds it "really unattractive". Thanks mom.
I am trying to stop drinking so much diet coke as it is so bad for you. I have tried so many times to quit but the the caffeine withdrawal headaches are so unbearable that I always end up relapsing. Also I can't seem to find another drink that quenches my thirst. Anyway I am currently down to 1.5 liters a day from 2 liters, so it is a start lol.
I think spending too much time with my laptop is a bad habit i should try to break. I know that it was not good being so stagnant in a long period of time. :D

I would like to lessen the time sitting in front of my computer and do some other activities.
I have this habit wherein I would always say "later" on almost everything that I do. Like when I want to clean my room and on the day when I scheduled it as my clean up day, I would then say, maybe later.

I am trying to change it since it is really not a good habit. Now, when I want to do something, I do it right away before laziness steps in.
I'm trying to cut down on the time I spend on the internet. I think I have an Internet addiction. :(
I always had the "manana habit" always waiting tomorrow and delaying things. I am always delayed in doing especially I am in front of the computer and I want to break this habit. I want to practice doing the important things, right away. :)
The habit I should break is "computer addiction" but I know I can't. It's not only about getting online but the mere turn on the computer as soon as I wake up and feel like not wanting to go anywhere if can't take it with me.

From my shopping lists to my daily work, all my world is into the HD!!!
I would want to stop my procrastination even when I know that it's such a huge and difficult feat for me. Haha. It's just that I love delaying work as much as possible and then just cramming it. I don't know. It's hard but I would want to do it someday. I just hope that I would be able to do so because it's becoming such a pain nowadays.