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Fallen Angel

New Member
Apr 22, 2005
Dead to the world.....
I sposed I should probably start from the beginning.

My ex boyfriend (Adam) and I were together for just under a year and a half. He moved away only a couple of months ago, to a town about three hours away. We managed the long distance thing fairly well for about a month and a half, but then it just got to hard for him. He wanted to have a trial seperation, because he was lonely, bored, and was sick of not being able ot see me.

So, we decided that for a month, we'd be single, and then see what happens.

I've seen him twice during the month, and we hookd up for a night, both times. It was stupid, but I'm not going to regret it.

Now, the month is almost over. On Saturday I had him and a couple of other friends come over for a small party, and on Sunday morning, Adam and I got talking. He told me that he might be moving back down here, and if he does, he wants us to get back together, and he wants me to move in with him and his mother.

I would love for us to be together again, and I would definitely love to live with him and his mum, but I'm supposed to be moving to Canberra in a month, to go back to school.

So, now, he's pretty much making me decide between my future with him, or my general future.

I know that if he doesn't move back down here, we won't be getting back together, and that is making me feel like, some sort of last resort. He thinks that I'll just drop everything for him, and do what he wants. I know it's not on purpose, though.

So, I need help. Do I follow my heart, and be with the one I so desperately love, or do I choose the right thing, and go back to school? All this thinking is hurting my head!
From an outside point of view....

You life and career are more important right now... If he loves you he will wait. If you and him are "meant to be" then you will be no matter what or when.

Is he your first proper boyfriend? Please don't take this as patronising... I'm remembering from my own school days and relationships.... but at the age you're at, right now all you can see is him? You have so much life ahead of you. Live it to the full. Do what is in your gut, and don't have regrets.... what you choose to do is right for you!!
He's my second, but I count him as my first. The real first one didn't end quite so smoothly.

The thing is, I know I'd be so much happier with him, rather than going back to school. I don't fit into the whole school atmosphere, and so I'm bound to screw it all up again. I was thinking about giving TAFE another try, and staying with him. I don't know for sure, though.
Just remember to consider the whole picture.... i.e. your future. Can you study the same subjects if you were to stay? What are the advantages of going away to school? etc etc.
Its important to have no regrets in life, you sound to me like you already know what you want to do. Never do what you think you should do, you need to do what makes you the happiest.

Tafe can teach you much, so its not like school is the be all and end all.
Well, we're back together anyway, and we both know that we're probably just setting ourselves up for more hurt, but we're still both willing to take the risk.

And now I'm trying to convince him to move to Canberra with me instead. At the moment, it doesn't seem like he'll take much convincing