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First relationship!


Active Member
Jun 13, 2010
So, there is this really sweet guy that I talk to a lot on some forums and on Xfire, and now on Skype... I'll be honest, he's a bit of what you all would refer to as a nerd, but... we're in love! His name is Jacob.

We met on another forum when I posted a comment on one of his threads. A bunch of people were kind of ganging up on him so I re-assured him a little and told him not to worry about what they thought. We started talking more through PMs and we got to know each other very well...

We both really, really, REALLY like anime and Axis Powers Hetalia, and we have a very similar sense of humor which is just great. He is the nicest guy I have ever met.

So tonight... I finally told him how I felt...

and he felt the same way. :)

Even though he lives a few states over from me, we plan to meet some day at an anime convention and maybe even cosplay together. I'm going to be cosplaying as Hungary from Hetalia and he will be Austria! :D

I'm going to have a hard time getting used to the fact that I finally have a boyfriend, but... God, this is like... the happiest thing that's ever happened to me.
I'm happy for you. I feel excited so you better post any updates if ever you are to meet with him. Okay? hehehehe.. you can never can tell if he's the one for you. :)
Heehee, thank you both, I appreciate your words. :D We are very happy together... even chatting over the internet it's so much fun to be with him because it's always like he's right there with me.
AWWWWW... SO SWEET! Congratulations, I wish both of you happiness. Wow, that kinda sound cheesy. :3 Oh well, I'm happy you've found someone. I guess now you don't feel alone anymore?