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Do you prefer to shop alone or with somebody?


Aug 14, 2012
I don't really like going shopping alone. I'd much rather go with someone:) My best friend and I, we always have so much fun when we are looking for nice clothes and accessories!:D It's very relaxing. We try on many dresses and skirts and sweaters, we run from one store to the other. We talk, we laugh, we compliment each other. I love it!
How about you? Do you prefer to shop alone or with somebody?
It really depends on what I'm shopping, because depending on that I might actually want to be shopping with someone in specific or even alone!

For example, if I'm shopping for furniture or things for the house, I can only do that with my soon-to-be husband. Because we can't take a big decision if one of us isn't present.

As for clothes... having a girlfriend nearby is always useful!! Because I can ask her for an objective opinion ;) Shopping for clothes or accessories is always better when done with a female friend. Because there is nothing better than having a close friend telling you what suits you better and what doesn't. A second opinion is always welcome :)
I'm the exact same way...I hate shopping alone. Sometimes when my friends aren't available I have to ask my boyfriend and he doesn't understand why I don't want to go shopping alone. As you mentioned, I like to laugh and have a good time while giving each other advice, compliments, and opinions - it's just fun! Now, I can't say that it's fun when I shop with him because he seems uninterested and ready to go. When I ask "is this cute" he will reply with a dry "yeah, I guess." So, shopping with friends is always fun! :)
I enjoy both shopping alone and with friends. If I want to try on lots of clothes, then I prefer to be alone as then I won't have to worry about one of my friends having to wait for me all the time. However, for a normal fashion expedition, I like the company and sometimes even find that an item a friend suggested, that I'd never have chosen for myself looks really nice on me.
I would rather shop alone, because it gives me more time to get what I actually want and not be rushed. Although I do like shopping with others if I need opinions for a special occasion.
When it comes to food runs - I prefer shopping alone because the other person makes me get everything!! Lol

But when it's like for other things I like to shop with others. Plus employees tend to bother me less when I'm with people. They stalk me all the time when I'm alone..ha Also shopping alone makes me feel lonely sometimes but I can't shop with my friends for clothes - I hate it!
They window shop all the time and I hate not being able to buy things they look at. I just want to go in and get what I came for and go out lol
The thing is that shopping is "alone time" for me. Not the best time for "alone", since salespeople and ads over the radio and speaker system are always trying to get into your head, but it works for me. So I don't usually go shopping with anyone - I don't even drag my boyfriend along to carry my stuff. ;)