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Covering the gray!

Sarah C.

Feb 25, 2012
If you are at the time in your life where you color your hair to cover the gray, what store bought hair color brand do you use? I have been using Loreal. I am considering trying the mouse colors. They are supposed to be easier to use. Anyone tried any of them out?
I'm 27 and am already getting white hair from stress over my student loans. I have been using Garnier to cover them up so far. Boy is it a pain in the neck when I dye it and then one or two pop up the next day. lol Time for me to do my stress reducing stretches!
My mom cannot stand the itch in her head and luckily, hair colors take away the itchiness in her scalp. She uses Kolours. And as far as I can remember, she has used almost all colors available in that brand. LOL!

There was even one time when we would laugh about her hair color that turned out to be pink!
I do have few gray or white hairs but not yet that noticeable since I really have fine hair.
I think I will use the Loreal brand since it was known to be a good brand for hair products here. And if ever, maybe I could just go to a salon for coloring.
I think it may be best to use brands that are ammonia free, and many of the top brands are nowadays. Oh. There are also herbal and all natural hair colors available at health stores now...I am just thinking in order to minimize the amount of chemicals absorbed by the scalp. More and more brands are very conscious now.

A good hair rinse does amazing things for one.
I don't have grays but like to dye my naturally blonde hair dark brown or red. I love the Garnier brands, they are easy to use and smell nice! I haven't tried the mousse colours as yet....
I have used Loreal, Clairol, Garnier and others and they all seem to work about the same for me. So I usually just buy whatever is cheapest. I haven't tried any mousse yet either, probably because it's more expensive. I always just look for the cheap brands and pick one of those out.
I love changing my hair color and have experimented with at home hair dyes since I turned 18. That being said I've tried the L'Oreal Sublime Mousse and it for me is unfortunately not worth the higher price the company is charging. If you have grey hair don't buy this product as it does not color your hair opaquely and evenly. I'm told that since the product wants your hair color to look more natural they made it so that your true hair color peeks through. It sort of tints your hair instead of completely covering it with another color. It also left my hair quite dry so I'm not going to be using this product again. My friend tried the Clairol Nice n Easy color blend foam and she found it drying as well.
I have never colored my own hair. Im noticing a little gray in my 30's, but I have been wearing braids so long, that I didn't notice the gray until recently. I haven't used any products yet, because I don't like chemicals in my hair which is why I wear weave for different styles. If I were to color my hair, I would probably use Loreal or gentle hair products for Black women. Before the gray,I had it highlighted once at the salon, so I may take my hair color and have a professional do it.