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Braxton Hicks Contractions


New Member
Apr 16, 2005
Planet Lottie
I also had regular Braxton Hick contractions a month before I went into labour. Here is some more info:

Braxton Hicks contractions are intermittent painless uterine contractions that may occur every 10 to 20 minutes. They occur after the third month of pregnancy. These contractions are not true labor pains but are often interpreted as such. They are not present in every pregnancy.

During the third trimester normal Braxton-Hicks contractions increase in frequency and intensity. They may even become uncomfortable and cause you to worry that you are going into premature labor. How to tell if it's preterm labor: True labor contractions show a definite pattern. Employ the 1-5-1 formula: if your contractions last at least one minute, are five minutes (or less) apart, and continue for at least one hour you are, most likely, in labor. (This would mean you should alert your healthcare provider immediately.) Braxton-Hicks contractions come and go and don't settle into a regular pattern. Don't forget to practice relaxing and breathing with these trial-run contractions.
