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Bloody Ncea


Active Member
Sep 12, 2004
New Zealand
I've had a bit of time to cool off now but I wrote this this afternoon, straight after I got my NCEA MARKS BACK OMG. Then, I was in the middle of writing it and then Sheryl (my sister) asked to look at some photos on the computer for her 21st birthday, which didn't take long, then I got on again and straight away she asked fort he phone to ring a friend who lives far away and if I didn't get off the net RIGHT AWAY she wouldn't be able to talk to her for ages again then she monopolised the phone doing final things for said birthday. Grr. But now I'm back and here is my whine woooooo

Ok first off, I'd like to say OMG YAY I PASSED NCEA AND DID REALLY WELL except for history. TJ has talked me round so I'm not SO bad, as long as I don't think about how they cheated me out of my hard earned marks. I'm totally pleased with science (I got an excellence in one of the papers!!!!!) french was exactly what I expected - I passed, I'm damned happy. Maths I got a MERIT in one paper which is OMG I ROCK because boy do I suck at maths. In classics I gto a MERIT in one paper (achieveds for the others) which, again is FANTASMICAL because that exam was bloomin' hard and not what I'd prepared for at all.

But history. Watch me exaggerate and blow this all out of proportion but I worked SO HARD on history and was so proud of all the work I did (because, really, when it comes to exams, I really slack off - except for this year where I went hardout) in all of my subjects, most especially history. I wrote essay plans and went over about 6 or seven of them with my teacher to make sure I had all the information (no one else did that much and I got the diligence prize for my class) and I read over my notes an insane amount of time so that a few pages were like snapshots in my head and I was feeling so confident and I came out with BLOODY ACHEIVEDS. I wanted merits so badly. I don't know if these marks make any sense to any of you but lets see if I can do a comparison.

From worst to best you can get not achieved (fail, obviously) achieved (the lowest you get before you fail - a C? or D? 50-60%ish I guess - I told TJ 60-70% heh) merit (60-89%ish, a general YAY FOR ME mark) and excellence (90%+ or A).

Not only did I study really hard but we did in-class practise essays near the end of the year and for all of them I was getting strong merits/weak excellences (except for one which was a weak merit) and my teacher was like "Wooooo, you'll do well" but NOOOOOO.

I'm going to get it remarked.

Ok, I'm feeling better now. There have been a number of angry texts to people and I've complained ehre and to TJ so that's helped. But still. I felt like crying, I'm so annoyed at it. I deserved so much more.

But, I must admit that YAY I did well and I now have univeristy entrance and that, in the long run, is really all that matters.

WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so proud of you :woop:
Thanks Snowy
*does happy dance*

OMG though, I haven't ehard anything from Otago to say "Congratulations! you passed NCEA Level 3 and have been accepted into Otago UNiversity!" So, I rang them to ask what's going on and apparently my witnessed documents weren't properly witnessed and I got an email saying so on November 17th (!!!!!!!!!) but I didn't get that email so I ahve to resend them in and time is running out to get it in. What if fast post is actually slow? Or it gets lost in the mail and they don't get it? I'll be screwed and I'll be stuck in bloody Wellington.

I'll stop thinking along that train of thought.

Thanks Snowy!

*dances more*
PH, firstly congratulations!! I have all my fingers crossed for you, you will love being a Scarfie for a few years. I lived in Dunners for 5 years and it was definately interesting
I going to post again in general to say agian the brilliance of it but oh well....

Not yet but we're sending the papers in tomorrow and I'm sure all is well.

But more good news! I don't know if anyone remembers about a shcolarship I was going in for through the Sea Cadets which i've done for the last 5 years. It was for $6000 (!!!!!) and the deal was that, if I got it, i'd get half in the first half of the year and the second half in the secodn half of the year to make sure I was on track. Candidates wrote an essay and they decided that no one was worthy but were convinced to do interviews to get anymore info they wanted. So, tehre were three of us up fort eh interview adn in the end they couldnt' decide who to give it to so each of us got 2000!!!!! We're going to put it in to save with compund interest.

But woooo!!!! I totally didn't think I'd made a good impression AT ALL and that my answers were very ordinary but I msut ahve done something right!!!!

OMG I totally did not look at my marks properly!

I did FANTASMICAL (that is a great word by the way hehe). I got TWO merits in classics. I've been scraaaaaping achieveds all year in vases and my teacher kept saying small comments like "you need to try harder" but it was vases in which I got a merit!

AND I got two achieveds, A MERIT AND AN EXCELLENCE in science!!!!!!

I am happy.

Thank yooooouuuuu

ALSO I rang up Otago to see if they got my birth certificate (for all that witnessed-documents business) and they said YES they had and YES I'm iiiiiiiin. YAY. I am SO relieved and happy. In fact, I was all excited and the lady at work was like "That's incredible! Leave early adn celebrate!" Hahah so I finished work early. Aren't my work people nice?
