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Basal Body Temperature


New Member
Apr 16, 2005
Planet Lottie
Basal body temperature (BBT) is simply your base body temperature - that is, before movement, caloric consumption or anything else is factored in. Soon after your period starts, your basal body temperature is on the low end. When your ovary releases an egg (ovulation), your temperature will rise about one half degree, and will remain on this plateau until your next period. You have the best chance of getting pregnant on the two to three days before the rise in basal temperature, and on the actual day of ovulation. To take your basal body temperature (BBT), first get a special BBT oral thermometer, which goes only from 94 to 100 degrees, but has 1/10 degree gradations to make even tiny temperature changes detectable. Take your temperature first thing in the morning before any activity - before getting up to go to the bathroom, before taking a sip of water, before even shaking down the thermometer to a lower temperature before use.

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