New Member
Your Daytime Routine
-Get Motivated in the morning
Mooching around in your pj's will just make you feel even more lethargic.
-Jump in the Shower
This will give you an instant boost.
-Drink Plenty
Dehydration can sap your energy. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
-Go for a walk with Baby
Even if its just around the block. This is good exercise and baby will benefit from fresh air too.
-Cat-Nap when you can
Get your baby in the habit of a lunchtime snooze and then grab a nap too. Even 20 mins will make you feel more revitalised.
Your Diet
-Eat regularly
Eating five small meals a day keeps blood sugar levels stable, which is crucial to avoid yo-yoing energy levels. Always eat breakfast, lunch and supper and stock up on energising snacks.
-Eat Right
The best foods are those that release energy slowly such as fruit and vegetables, nuts, seeds and wholegrain cereal.
-Steer Away From Stimulants
Switch to decaffinated drinks instead.
-B Ware
B Vits are the key nutrients for energy. You'll find them in wheatgerm, wholegrains, fish, eggs and green vegetables. Boost your intake of these foods and consider taking an all round multivitamin.
Your Bedtime Routine
-Make Sleep your Priority
Put sleep first and get to bed whenever you can.
-Learn to Wind Down
Invent your own bedtime wind-down. Maybe a nice warm bath.
-Your bedroom
It should be cool, dark and quiet.
-Don't Eat, Work or Watch TV in Bed
This will over stimulate your brain.
Source- Boots Parenting Club Magazine.
Feel free to add your own suggestions!
-Get Motivated in the morning
Mooching around in your pj's will just make you feel even more lethargic.
-Jump in the Shower
This will give you an instant boost.
-Drink Plenty
Dehydration can sap your energy. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
-Go for a walk with Baby
Even if its just around the block. This is good exercise and baby will benefit from fresh air too.
-Cat-Nap when you can
Get your baby in the habit of a lunchtime snooze and then grab a nap too. Even 20 mins will make you feel more revitalised.
Your Diet
-Eat regularly
Eating five small meals a day keeps blood sugar levels stable, which is crucial to avoid yo-yoing energy levels. Always eat breakfast, lunch and supper and stock up on energising snacks.
-Eat Right
The best foods are those that release energy slowly such as fruit and vegetables, nuts, seeds and wholegrain cereal.
-Steer Away From Stimulants
Switch to decaffinated drinks instead.
-B Ware
B Vits are the key nutrients for energy. You'll find them in wheatgerm, wholegrains, fish, eggs and green vegetables. Boost your intake of these foods and consider taking an all round multivitamin.
Your Bedtime Routine
-Make Sleep your Priority
Put sleep first and get to bed whenever you can.
-Learn to Wind Down
Invent your own bedtime wind-down. Maybe a nice warm bath.
-Your bedroom
It should be cool, dark and quiet.
-Don't Eat, Work or Watch TV in Bed
This will over stimulate your brain.
Source- Boots Parenting Club Magazine.
Feel free to add your own suggestions!