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New Member
Sep 11, 2004
in my own world mostly
ok so here's the deal....

Tony(my manager) handed in his notice at work today....and recommended to the Regional manager (Colin) that I get the job.

Sounds pretty straight forward and "YAY me" huh?

The main problem hee is the assistant manger. IF I got Tony's job I wold effectively be jumping right over her head. This in itself is not a problem.....I don't like her anyway
but...... she is assuming that she will get offered the position straight away unfortunately for her I know that Colin will NEVER give her the manager's job as her attitude sucks big time.

So I know if the choice is between me ad her, the job is mine. and to be perffectly honest, the compay ?I work for prefer to promote from within so I have an immediate advantage over outside applicants too.

BUT......I don't know if I'm ready to jump 2 places up the ladder and be in charge of the store just yet.
I also have a realy good friend who is the manager of our biggest rival in town.and is in fact my ex boss. She desperately wants out of her present job and I KNOW she'd be great at running our store plus I know she'd get on with all the staff and be well liked and respected.

Do I tip her off that the vacancy is there or not? If I'm up against her for the job I think she'd get it......however I like her and liked working for her before so that's not a problem for me. Also I know that Simone is so petty and spiteful that she'll huff and leave over not being offered the managers job herself...and I've already been told that I am gauranteed her job should she leave.


Do I tip my ex boss off about the job, meaning that I (possibly) don't get it myself? and hope that Simone walks so I get her position?


Do I not tell her go for the job myself, risk not getting it and landing up with a manger I neither know or like and still hope that Simone walks?

aaaaaaaaargh tis a dilemma
I say wait till they are sleeping...sneak into their houses and.... oh...sorry.

That is a tough one dear, but you should maybe look at what is the worst possible scenerio for you... and do what it takes to avoid that.
Hmmm yes that's quite a toughie, that is.

I'm with Subby. Avoid the worst possible scenario. SOunds like a great option to tip fof the ex-boss but there's always that possibility she wont walk away which would suck...

Heh, maybe you could slip into conversation that you got the job offer and see how she reacts?
Hrmm worst case scenario......

ok then it would be.....

They employ a new manager that I hated and had no respect for who Simone got on with and therefore didn't leave.

*Cries* OMG ! I so hope that doesn't happen.

Thats the worst scenario?

What about you getting the job, and Subby being so happy for you he has a heart attack.

Some people are so narrow minded

The regional manager was down yeesterday and has given me his backing to go for the job .....and gave me and Tony the impression that if it was his decision solely that the job is mine

However.....it's NOT his decision.....he gets a say in it which is good but I still have to wait til the job is properly advertised then apply for it and go thru the proper procedure.

He also made it pretty clear that Simone (while more than welcome to apply) will NEVER get the manager's job...EVER. And he also told me that Even if Nikki (ex boss) applies, she does not have the advantage because she is an existing manager and that as far as he is concerned it is ME that has the immediate advantage because I'm already working for the company and within the team (who all love me of course
). PLUS....I'm running the store all this week, possibly longer if Simone is still signed off sick so I'm thinking if I make a damn good job of it they can hardly deny me the job huh?

I still told Nikki tho.....I got told it was daft to set up more competition for myself but she's my friend and she hates her job so I could hardly NOT tell her really.

So now I have to be patient and wait lol

Originally posted by thistle@Oct 29 2005, 08:14 AM

The regional manager was down yeesterday and has given me his backing to go for the job .....and gave me and Tony the impression that if it was his decision solely that the job is mine

However.....it's NOT his decision.....he gets a say in it which is good but I still have to wait til the job is properly advertised then apply for it and go thru the proper procedure.

He also made it pretty clear that Simone (while more than welcome to apply) will NEVER get the manager's job...EVER. And he also told me that Even if Nikki (ex boss) applies, she does not have the advantage because she is an existing manager and that as far as he is concerned it is ME that has the immediate advantage because I'm already working for the company and within the team (who all love me of course
). PLUS....I'm running the store all this week, possibly longer if Simone is still signed off sick so I'm thinking if I make a damn good job of it they can hardly deny me the job huh?

I still told Nikki tho.....I got told it was daft to set up more competition for myself but she's my friend and she hates her job so I could hardly NOT tell her really.

So now I have to be patient and wait lol

Going to keep my fingers crossed for you sweetie. :flower4u: