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Feel free to share with us your suggestions and idea's. Let us know what you are doing to prepare or did to prepare for pregnancy.
Physical Fitness
A good starting point is to visit your family doctor for a check-up about six months before you plan to conceive. Your doctor will give you suitable advice based on your personal circumstances. Why not take your partner along with you so he fully understands the importance of the measures you will be advised to take. By sharing the responsibility, you will both find it easier to make the necessary adjustments to your lifestyle.
Regular Exercise
If you don't exercise on a regular basis, now is the time to start rather than wait until you are pregnant. Taking regular exercise does not mean working out at the gym several times each week. It means simply incorporating some exercise into your daily routine. For example, try walking or cycling to the shops or your place of work rather than taking the bus or driving. Walk up stairs rather than taking a lift. Exercise can be fun and it's a pastime both you and your partner can do together. For example, swimming is an excellent form of exercise because it allows you to stretch and tone your muscles without putting excessive stress on them.
Watching Your Weight
During your pre-pregnancy period, it is a good idea to get your weight to a reasonable level. If you are overweight it is a good idea to try to lose the surplus before you conceive. Dieting during pregnancy is not advisable because cutting back your calories may have a harmful effect on your baby's growth and development. Your family doctor will be able to advise you accordingly.
Dental Care
It is important to have a dental check-up and any necessary treatment before trying to conceive since some forms of dental care e.g. X-rays, can be harmful to your baby once you are pregnant. Also, some women are prone to gum disease during pregnancy so a pre-pregnancy check-up and then regular visits to the dentist during pregnancy can help prevent any potential problems.
Folic Acid
Taking Folic Acid supplements before conception and in early pregnancy can help to reduce the risk of having a baby with Spina Bifida and other neural tube defects. It is generally recommended that all women planning pregnancy should take at least 0.4 mg of Folic Acid daily for four weeks before conception and for the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. Folic Acid supplements should be available from your local pharmacy. It is also advisable to eat foods that are rich in Folic Acid. These include:
<div align='center'>Green salad
Raw or lightly cooked vegetables
Fresh fruit
Fortified breakfast cereals
Wholemeal bread</div>
If you have any questions about Folic Acid, talk to your family doctor when you visit for your check-up.
Smoking and Drinking Alcohol
It is now quite well known that smoking and drinking too much alcohol can be harmful to your health. However, it is less well known that smoking and drinking can also have damaging effects on both a developing baby and on future pregnancies.
Drinking alcohol regularly, even in small quantities, can reduce the fertility of both partners thus making conception less likely. Smoking can result in the birth of a smaller and less intelligent baby and small babies tend to be more vulnerable. Furthermore, recent concern is also being expressed about the health risks associated with passive smoking, that is, a non-smoker inhaling smoke while in the company of smokers.
So, as part of your pre-pregnancy routine you should both try to stop smoking and cut down on the amount of alcohol you drink.

Physical Fitness
A good starting point is to visit your family doctor for a check-up about six months before you plan to conceive. Your doctor will give you suitable advice based on your personal circumstances. Why not take your partner along with you so he fully understands the importance of the measures you will be advised to take. By sharing the responsibility, you will both find it easier to make the necessary adjustments to your lifestyle.
Regular Exercise
If you don't exercise on a regular basis, now is the time to start rather than wait until you are pregnant. Taking regular exercise does not mean working out at the gym several times each week. It means simply incorporating some exercise into your daily routine. For example, try walking or cycling to the shops or your place of work rather than taking the bus or driving. Walk up stairs rather than taking a lift. Exercise can be fun and it's a pastime both you and your partner can do together. For example, swimming is an excellent form of exercise because it allows you to stretch and tone your muscles without putting excessive stress on them.
Watching Your Weight
During your pre-pregnancy period, it is a good idea to get your weight to a reasonable level. If you are overweight it is a good idea to try to lose the surplus before you conceive. Dieting during pregnancy is not advisable because cutting back your calories may have a harmful effect on your baby's growth and development. Your family doctor will be able to advise you accordingly.
Dental Care
It is important to have a dental check-up and any necessary treatment before trying to conceive since some forms of dental care e.g. X-rays, can be harmful to your baby once you are pregnant. Also, some women are prone to gum disease during pregnancy so a pre-pregnancy check-up and then regular visits to the dentist during pregnancy can help prevent any potential problems.
Folic Acid
Taking Folic Acid supplements before conception and in early pregnancy can help to reduce the risk of having a baby with Spina Bifida and other neural tube defects. It is generally recommended that all women planning pregnancy should take at least 0.4 mg of Folic Acid daily for four weeks before conception and for the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. Folic Acid supplements should be available from your local pharmacy. It is also advisable to eat foods that are rich in Folic Acid. These include:
<div align='center'>Green salad
Raw or lightly cooked vegetables
Fresh fruit
Fortified breakfast cereals
Wholemeal bread</div>
If you have any questions about Folic Acid, talk to your family doctor when you visit for your check-up.
Smoking and Drinking Alcohol
It is now quite well known that smoking and drinking too much alcohol can be harmful to your health. However, it is less well known that smoking and drinking can also have damaging effects on both a developing baby and on future pregnancies.
Drinking alcohol regularly, even in small quantities, can reduce the fertility of both partners thus making conception less likely. Smoking can result in the birth of a smaller and less intelligent baby and small babies tend to be more vulnerable. Furthermore, recent concern is also being expressed about the health risks associated with passive smoking, that is, a non-smoker inhaling smoke while in the company of smokers.
So, as part of your pre-pregnancy routine you should both try to stop smoking and cut down on the amount of alcohol you drink.