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Pranks I can use on my brother?


New Member
Apr 27, 2009
Hey guys, gonna need all the girls help here, once again my mother has to go away on business and im left alone with my older bro for a few days, i always hates this time because he constantly annoys me! And says he should be in charge because he is a BOY!!!!!

But im up for it this time, but i am gonna need your help

I need some of the best most inventive humiliating down right annoying pranks i can play on him

Haha, sweet. A few that people at my residential hall (though most of them you'd probably need a hand with and make sure your brother is out of the house for ages,

- Replacing the lightbulb with a red one (I became known as the red light district for a while...)

When they're out:
- wrapping EVERYTHING (right down to erasers and pencils) in tin foil or newspaper (real annoying for them to undo it all!)
- The most hilarious one (that I jsut want to share, it's a big mission and you'd need help) is that when the guy was out one night they took everything out of his room except the mattress with a single white sheet on it and left a glass of water by it. Everything else (posters, the bed base, all his ski gear, all his furniture) was shifted into one of the bathrooms. Too good!
- Filling the whole room with scrumpled up newspaper

At work one of the girls put a bunch of embarrasing photos on the ceiling. Took ages to notice but got a good reaction

Oh another they did at the hall was moving the whole bed into the hallway.

Ummm, can't think of any others at the mo but yeah.

Oh! Going through and turning everything you can upside down (stereo, furniture, all his books, turning the fully made bed upside down...)
Put some crime scene tape around the house while he is gone.

Put Vaseline on a number of things that you know he has to touch at one point of the day:

  • door knobs,
  • lamp light knobs,
  • car door handles and stereo dials,
  • hair brush handles,
  • phones,
  • alarm clock switches,
  • any metal handles,
  • light switches,
Put scotch tape on small holes. (car key holes, house key holes, etc.)

Put salt on his toothbrush.

I can come up with a few more, but my brain doesn't work this early in the morning lol.
*put icy hot on the toilet seat
*put peppers in his food
*put paper clips, or marbles, or something hard under his sheet in his bed.
*put something that smells bad hidden in his car
*while he's asleep pour some water onto one of his blankets or sheets in a place where he's not lying, and if you can, put some on his pjs
*listen to a lot of music that he HATES
if you need more i'm here, but i can't be letting out all my secrets. lol
Haha, thanks for the prank ideas guys, I keep popping back here and checking for updates, Ive used a few with great results!

Any more contributions are welcome!