This is a sort of odd Coldplay fan fiction I started writing... it's probably very weird but it's meant to feel like you are in a video game... it's very sci-fi but I hope you all like it.
Here is the first part.
Character names are bolded.
Significant items are italicized.
Battle information is underlined.
[You are Jonny Buckland. You are the guitarist in the band Coldplay. You are the strongest of your friends at Attack lv.4. Your overall level is 5.]
The stars gently sparkle and glitter in the violet sky as you calmly walk to join your friends at the Bakery, your band's music studio. Your breath turns to fog as it enters the cold, winter air. Thankfully, however, both your hat and your new coat effectively keep you warm.
You eventually arrive at the Bakery and step through the door. It's very warm inside compared to the unforgiving cold of the night. You take your coat off and carefully hang it up; however, as you do so, the mirror that had been hanging on the wall falls to the floor and shatters into a million tiny little pieces with a terrific C-R-A-S-H.
As one of the pieces of glass goes flying across the floor, it hits your leg, reducing your HP meter by 1 point. Fantastic. Although it's not a terrible loss, these Meters are a pain in the neck to refill. You suppose it's not a big deal - you still have 29 points left.
You sweep up the broken glass and lean the frame of the mirror against the wall. Strangely, none of your friends seem to have heard. You mean to tell the others about it, but as you enter the room the four of you get started with practice so quickly that you forget about it right away.
It was, after all, just a cheap looking mirror...
You sit on the damp floor, leaning against the cold, brick wall. It's awfully chilly in this place; and to make matters worse you can't see a thing in front of you. Pretty soon, you figure, your eyes will fall out and you'll grow one of those weird lamp things that some kind of fish who lives on the bottom of the ocean has (you're just a little bit worried about that). If there were any light in... wherever it was you are trapped, one would be able to tell that your eyes are a violent purple and that you have light-brown, curly hair.
Not that any of that stuff matters anymore; you are the only one down here, and for all you know, you're trapped here for the rest of time. You manage to keep track of time using a unique and confusing calender system that only you can understand using some bits and pieces of brick that you'd managed to find lying around on the floor as you slowly scuffled around the place, trying not to crash into anything. According to your brick pieces, you've been down here for a total of 53 years, 4 months, and 12 days. It goes without saying that you've been incredibly bored, and not to mention...
Suddenly feeling rather depressed, you slouch downward, resting your head against the slimey, old brick, feeling sorry for yourself. Before you can become too lost in your self-pity, you see something in the distance, which in itself is a shock.
You've just SEEN something. For 53 years, 4 months, and 12 days, you've been trapped in complete darkness... and now you can see again!
What you actually are seeing is the most amazing part. You aren't entirely sure what this thing is, but it's glowing brightly; so brightly, in fact, that it's actually kind of painful. You don't care about this, though - valiantly, you stand up, straighten your back, and walk toward it, determined to solve this mystery once and for-
You seem to have run into a weird thing. How dare it get in the way of your adventure! You're trying to explore, here! What a stupid object. It's just two metal rods held together by shorter bars that go up the entire length of the... wait a second. You remember what this thing is, you saw them all the time before you were trapped in this place. It is a metal bar thing! No wait, that's not right... metal climbing device...? Not quite.
You give up with this nonsense and cautiously place your foot on the first rung of the metal ladder (that's much better). Seeing that it seems to be able to hold your weight, you lift up your other foot and the thing still doesn't come crashing to the ground. Gaining confidence, you bravely climb the ladder and into the painfully bright light above you.