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Kit-Kat - Welcome!!



:hello2: Kit-Kat,

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Kit-Kat registered on the December 2, 2008, 10:11 pm.
View Kit-Kat's Profile
huh. how cool and funky. anyway.

hello everyone!!

i used to be a major internet addict. and tonight i find myself not being able to sleep and turning to my old ways. i'm sitting in my college dorm room, i have my roommates laptop and i find myself aimlessly browsing the internet trying to find something to occupy my mind enough to keep the sleepless hours from driving me insane.

i've joined so many forums in my time of foruming. i miss the ones that i have left behind sometimes. sometimes i think about going back to them. but i left all of them for one reason or another. life always seems to eat away at the fun of them until eventually you have to go find a new one. perhaps this is because i am SO easily bored. the flip side is that i am just as easily entertained. the simplest things make me smile and laugh, i'm easy to please. i'm a good listener which apparently makes me a good friend, but it also seems to mean that i get used by a lot of people, so many people have walked into my life when they needed someone to listen, someone just to care, someone to pour all their problems on, someone to do nothing more than be there and tell them that yes in fact things would eventually get better, simply to see them walk away when good times came again, some days i resent these people, some days i feel used by their selfishness, for when i have need of someone to listen rarely are any of them to found. the one person that i really truly believe will be there for me through anything and everything, the one person that i can count on to not disappear when i need them the most is my fiance, he is my world. he brought happiness into my life, happiness that was never really there until he came along. he is the reason that i can make it through the day. he is the reason that most days i can make it through without crying at the carelessness of others, for i always know that i have somewhere to go. someone to lean on, someone to hold me when i cry, someone that won't leave me when things are easy, someone that won't run to anyone but me when times get hard.

I don't know why i felt like saying all that, maybe sometimes it's just good to tell things to a bunch of random strangers who you can just x out if they don't like you. lol. anyway. here goes some more random things about me.

Name: Well when i'm online for the most part you won't hear my real name. I don't like to use it, just a habit i got into really, nothing personal against my name or anything. But yeah, you can call my Kit-Kat, Kit, Kat, Kitty, or something along those lines. lol. whatever floats your boat.

Age: I'm 18 years old, I'll turn 19 in less than a month. I feel so scary old. lol.

Birthday: January 1. You know how many people i have told that you have proceeded to go oooh are you a new years baby? *sighs at people* yes, i was born on new years. it never meant anything wonderful or special to me, mostly all it meant was that i got less for my birthday every year than anyone else in the family because everyone was broke from christmas. lol. but it's all good.

Favorite Food:

Breakfast: Oatmeal with brown sugar, strawberries, and granola.... or anything with sausage and bacon.

Lunch or Dinner: anything involving fried potatoes or french fries, but especially steak with brown gravy and mushrooms, and fried potatoes and salad!! yum yum.

Random: canned cherries.

Food I won't eat:

Chicken sandwiches: long story, but yeah, you won't get me to eat one unless sums of money are involved. xP

In general I am not a sandwich person.

Chicken Liver .... ewww.

those funny lookin orange things... i wanna say yamms but i'm not sure.

some other random stuff that i can't think of right now. oooh and regular milk makes me sick so i have to have fat free or something you know the kind that is like milk that someone watered down?

Random things that most people don't know about me:

my eyes are hazel NOT brown. *scowl*

i'm like the easiest person in the world to make smile

i get jealous way too easy.... ook i suppose a lot of people know that one. lol.

i can eat a whole house and not get fat.... at least i haven't yet. lol. it annoys a lot of people. i know one of these days my metabolism is going to slow down and i'm going to get huge if i don't stop eating so much, but yeah.



my hair is really dirty right now because i got up late and didn't have time to take a shower this morning.

i love christmas. christmas season just makes me happi. the glowiness of christmas lights makes me feel all happy just like the smell of scotch tape even though i don't get all excited like when i was a kid. i almost cried the first christmas that i didn't get all excited and not be able to sleep like when i was little. it was so disappointing to be able to fall asleep. grr.

i spell things wrong for fun. like happi.

i'm attached to NCIS and House even though i never really liked tv ....

oook. well it is getting super latish and i'm going to die tomorrow if i don't get to sleep soon. so i guess i will be back tomorrow.

i hope i can make some friends on here.

and if i don't.... well at least i entertained myself for tonight. xP

see ya guys!!!
Thanks for the welcome guys!
I will check it out SweetieGirl.
and Snowbaby, i was very bored, random, and sleepi. lol.