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Jen And Thistle's


New Member
Sep 11, 2004
in my own world mostly
Pull up a chair and make youself comfy for jen and I are going to tell you a story. Are we all seated? then we shall begin

Once upon a time in a magical kingdom far far away ....................
because it was a magical kingdom there was lots of magical things like trees and flowers, and the beanstalk would steal the seeds of all the trees and all the flowers and other beanstalks too, it was a very greedy beanstalk indeed...
It didn't want any other magical plants to grow in the garden because then it would look even taller than it was, so every time another plant grew, the norty beanstalk cut them down. This made the other plants very angry..............
one day, when the beanstalk was sleeping, all the magical plants and trees came together in a whispery little huddle, they so desperately wanted to be able to grow up tall and big, they had to think of a plan, a very big plan indeed....
One little flower raised a petal and squeaked "I don't want to be small anymore.....I want to be big and strong, maybe if we all work together we can stop the beanstalk from hurting us anymore" .......
We can't wait that long.... *Alex starts crying* (emotional blackmail LOL!

Just jesting...we can wait, its all the more exciting!
The little flowers magical little friend Cotton, a delicate cotton flower, held her arm around the cute little flower, "that's the best idea I've heard all day, teamwork is the best kind of work to do!", she giggled...

Cotton nodded. "That mean old beanstalk is going to get a surprise". She thought for a minute and said "Maybe we could all take turns to sneak up on the beanstalk when it's not looking and steal it's leafs and branches one by one"