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[Google]EU seeks ban on import of cat and dog fur on clothing - Toronto Star


New Member
May 21, 2006
<table border=0 width= valign=top cellpadding=2 cellspacing=7><tr><td width=80 align=center valign=top><a href="http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=T&ct=us/11i-0&fd=R&url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/6165786.stm&cid=1111206019&ei=0p9iRdiaLMOOaJGqidEG" target="_blank"><img src=http://news.google.com/news?imgefp=6LctnaOlx6sJ&imgurl=newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/42335000/jpg/_42335614_cat_getty_203.jpg width=79 height=59 alt="" border=1>
<font size=-2>BBC News</font></a></td><td valign=top>EU seeks ban on import of cat and dog fur on clothing[/b]
<font size=-1><font color=#6f6f6f>Toronto Star -</font> <nobr>42 minutes ago</nobr></font>
<font size=-1>BRUSSELS, Belgium?The European Union proposed a ban yesterday on the sale and import of dog and cat fur in all 25 member nations, saying it has been found in some clothing, toys and other items on sale in Europe.</font>
<font size=-1>EU proposes to ban sale of cat, dog fur after celebrity campaign <font size=-1 color=#6f6f6f><nobr>Mainichi Daily News</nobr></font></font>
<font size=-1>Europe to ban trade of cat and dog fur <font size=-1 color=#6f6f6f><nobr>Times Online</nobr></font></font>
<font size=-1 class=p>Toronto Daily News</nobr> - Independent</nobr> - EUobserver.com</nobr> - International Herald Tribune</nobr></font>
<font class=p size=-1>http://news.google.com/news?ned=us&ncl=1111206019&hl=en><nobr>[b]all</font></table>